Thomas Jefferson once said that "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
This election fraud, is our refreshing of the tree of liberty. It's forcing people of our country to see the corruption and make a stand. I don't see actual blood…but the awakening of the population must occur.
▶Anonymous (You) 11/04/20 (Wed) 09:30:3284d56a No.11457625>>11457651 >>11457665
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Hey Anons…I have a possible explanation of what's going on.
1) Remember back in 2018 prior to the midterms, they moved over-site of the elections to DHS.
2) The deep-state pushed hard to win back the House (Stop Nunes investigations among others).
3) There was cheating in Broward county, Maricopa county, Montana and (others)…where they were producing ballots to get the win.
1) DHS saw how the cheating was done (Absentee/Provisional ballots) in 2018.
2) Was monitoring the counties that were prone to cheat throughout the country in this election.
3) They let the Deep-State produce the required ballots last night.
4) Let the MSM/Deep-State run with the story of Biden/Left victory.
5) Let the pot boil (cheating is obvious)…then come in and prove cheating with arrests.
6) More sheep wake to the corruption of the left/Deep-state.