Anonymous ID: 710893 April 22, 2018, 1:03 p.m. No.1147270   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This! It's the EVIL women behind all of this child raping, Western Culture destroying, demon worshiping CRAP!


AND it's the Good women who voted in Trump. We are behind the men who will fight. We are standard. We are the Baker girls. We are the ones you paint on your war machines.


And we say: GO GET THEM!




I'll try for Anons to see my logic , again


Sorry, don't mean to slide. I've mentioned this several times over several months. Hear me out


I think that it's the WOMEN who are in charge. In their sick cult, they have women. Abramovich's, Hillary ( high priestess) and all the other witches


I think it's all about the female aspect- the witches- feminism


The women are the handlers - think hillary/bill


Zuckerfuck/ his wife


And on and on…


The husbands are the face of the operation, they are in the public, doing all the bidding, talking


But they are being told what to say and how to do it.


In politics, the men change laws, make it easier for the "charities" of the wives….


( while they witch wives weave their web)


I think that's why Q keeps telling us to follow the wives, and witch Hunt!