Red Tsunami, here's how.
DHS watermarked the ballots.
Harvested (illegal ballots) will be thrown out.
Trump wins by a landslide.
Stupid Democrats (and Biden campaign) ask to take it to SC
It will reveal the election fraud and everyone connected, think municipal level govenors, mayors, even members of Congress who may of been involved in election meddling.
Imagine those currently serving (even some who ran and won) were involved with voter fraud? What will happen to their seat?
Meanwhile, the SC will open up pandora's box to the election fraud via DNC (which will eventually connect to the server, AJ, SR, Hillary emails, yada yada yada)… but most importantly it will connect with voter fraud in CA AND NY.
Imagine after the dust settles that not only Trump won the 2020 election, BUT, that he won in a LANDSLIDE potentially flipping CA and NY.
Liberals heads explode.
Not only is there a clean sweet in the election, but now there is a sweet at the municipal level and eventually up to the federal level.
Senate stays red, House goes (or stays) red.
2020 will be full blown RED.
On top of that, now we begin 2020 with trials already in motion that expand from the DNC.
It's going to be beautiful