Anonymous ID: 1a0d67 Nov. 4, 2020, 8:14 p.m. No.11471433   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11471300 (/pb)

Vote observer describes fraud in detroit.

140K absentee/main in ballots.

All go to one location.

Verify ballot is legitimate.

After that the system is great.

The whole problem is whether the ballot is legit.

He witnessed that they are not.

Had 25,755 ballots for Royal Oak.

How many were bad? 10 were bad out of 25K.

How many are bad in detroit out of 140K? At least 8K could not be verified.

But, they just run it through as if it were verified.

8% were bad in Detroit.

Voters are tied to a ballot number.

Election person checks ballot number on computer.

In Detroit ballots not matching names are expected.

Vote should be rejected if it doesn't match.

They count them anyway.