that car makes me think of Frosty drum solo and these cars
hearing that story elsewhere too ; now i want to check if i voted in PA even though moved from there years ago ; we should all that kind of shit
if you have a relative that died in a swing state….or moved….check to see if they voted : Pennsylvania and Michigan are the crossovers of COVD nursing home edicts from governor and still "counting votes"
they seem to keep piling in out of atlanta, for biden of course ; if mama aint happy aint nobody happy
there is a ton of blex up in there, past the eight mile….that whitey has had his boot on the neck of….and , well, they just got dusted off and able enough to go up in there and vote purely for biden, pappy corn pop
you must be racist if you question Detroit ; copy pasta
he will get you….he has gotten them before and is somehow still alive
watch CA….the fraud was so obvious 2018