" Follow Me , and I will make you fishers of anons .."
Newfags , Freemasonry uses Jews as cover
Lion = England = Crown = British Masonry Israelism [ they think they are master race ]
Mystery Babylon series by William Cooper - sauce
'Ol Ironsides
anons were sure that the start of Covid was to roundup all the crime cabal.
Not holding breath here
Pattern recognition 18 is a fav cabal number
Nov. 5 2009
1 + 1 =2
equals 18 , or 666
dropping like flies in Africa from vaccine mistakes
US State Dept of " Population Affairs " [ Reduction ] began by Henry Kissenger the evil cabal Oracle
Barrons magazine prints stories then bets the opposite way , sheeple lose $$$$
TY anon , Edmund Dantes
Men want a woman who will be his helper, not programmed to simply consume and demand more and more to fill her emptyness
they all came from Chynerbol
no more mr nice guy
well , Dan , its clearly swamp gas , with nO path to 270
these are the good old days
well , yes , since the CFR runs the Big 6 multi-national companies [ TV ] , and the CFR is the North American branch of Euro-Bilderbergs
wrong end