Exactly. I literally had to scream at family today (who I thought were Q-pilled enough by now to stay calm yet were screaming at ME to start with) to stop listening to faggot FOX and get the fuck online to look things up for themselves to compare the VERY apparent fuckery going on. Not to mention Q posts and all the other indicators out there (the yuan dip, puss faces on lib media shills, lib twatter meltdowns, etc). So thank you, anons, for doing much of the legwork on this shit, because even the Q-pilled can turn back into lazy concernfaggots in the heat of the moment. Redpilling is fucking chore, I swear, even when you think you're done.
>Utter loss of confidence in civic society
I'm perfectly okay with this, but for as cynical as many Republicans seem to be normally, I didn't expect them to freak out when the fraud reared it's ugly head so blatantly. Like isn't that how you fix it? Expose it to the blind? Trump did win 4 years ago. How the fuck would he not be prepared this time after being POTUS? The people who helped last time just magically abandoned him that he hasn't been expelled or killed by the Cabal? I keep comparing this whole thing to a drug addict in detox. The DT's are a fucking bitch, but necessary if you want to get clean and live on.