fucking leftist nigs marking you for ballot disposal after the polls close, Fuck all this shit. Let's get to the fighting already.
Something about Trump tells me he wouldn't leave the most important election in his or the country's life up to a toothless bluff.
>Troops for Trump flag
troops will vote massively for Trump. wonder which states can be flipped.
Is Flynn telling us something?
>Military is the only way
would be nice to get a dig on how many service members would be voting this way somehow. even a few thousand can make a difference at this point.
even their supporters know Biden was only ever going to squeak by. The most rabid supporter's position is that vote fraud is acceptable to defeat the muh racists hurr. I have not seen a single leftist seriously make a claim of republican untoward behavior this time around. They fucking know what's going on.
common boomer mistake honestly.
>can't look impartial
>I could care less
>bold face lie
We are dealing with humans after all.
night shift was awesome what the fk are you even talking about?
this would be incredible if we could get solid proof of software code producing compromised results. We need this to provide impetus for nationally controlled voter ID elections for the future.
excellent notable dig anon. Interdasting topic too.
The ballot fraud was arrange april/may or earlier. Q was just fucking with them. He had nothing to lose.
>if they scatter and stop the fraud, we win
>if they go through with it and we catch them, we win
The only chance we lose is if Q was bluffing and the globohomos called the bluff.
We just don't know yet how this will go.
Dem support for a civil war action is low as possible this way. Plus we have their entire ground force mapped and ready to disable within a few hours of the trigger.
Dems have no idea who we are reallyโฆ
We are way ahead this way.