Does anyone notice anything peculiar about the Pakistani ISI logo?
Perhaps they innocuously envision themselves as mountain goats.
Does anyone notice anything peculiar about the Pakistani ISI logo?
Perhaps they innocuously envision themselves as mountain goats.
FYI, Its a rather well known palm in South Florida and throughout the keys. Depicts location, depicts who is speaking.
Another one of theirs. See MKUltra & related drops.
Patriots do not telegraph their moves.
He was one of theirs. See MKUltra and related drops.
If you do (x) you receive (y). Retaliatory/message/propaganda.
I personally have my doubts that they themselves are scared. If you manage to build yourself or be build into someone who can easily cut up children for your own agenda, i doubt there would be much fear behind getting caught.
I have a feeling that those who are truly scared are those who came before them. Those of the bloodlines who set the plan in place, yet are currently watching it all burn to the ground.
We are all connected. America First (yet never alone) and the world will follow.