>Not ‘official’ product - 5 Eyes.
Yes. Completely made up out of whole cloth. They didn't feel it was necessary to backfill a legend and documents because her win was a given. However, the UK did contribute in an unofficial capacity and our relationship with them going forward has been harmed. If I were Trump I certainly wouldn't trust them.
It is my understanding that there are protocols within the Intelligence Community about how raw data and information (which is not the same as "intelligence") is vetted and turned into an intelligence product. That did not happen and yet somehow a FISA warrant was allegedly initially denied and then allowed, although I am sure we will find out that the entire fig leaf of a FISA warrant was a complete lie/fabrication as well. Absolute treason and sedition as well as prosecutable.
>Listen carefully.
This is not news to the people on the chans but blue Dog Normies are refusing to grok the full implications of this
>No evidence to support POTUS targeting.
Correct. Manufacturing a smear was enough; they had the mockingbird media to repeat and therefore, legitimize it; Dem operatives spread it through social media as "fact" and knew the unsubstantiated gossip would be an irresistible hook to help make it go viral. But there never was any legitimate foundation just as the Benghazi crime was not spurred by a YouTube video. Lies are their M.O. and they have never been held accountable for it, ever.
Correct. Rudy Contreras role in all of this better see the light of day.
>Do you understand the gravity of what’s unfolding?
Yes, evidence of treason at the highest levels, the subversion of the democratic institutions and the turncoat assistance of operators from UK, AUS
The concern is that this Admin and Congress will choke and not bring all who participated to justice and will cave to race-baiting threats of riots, etc. That is a form of domestic terrorism - the threat of violence for political gain. If this Admin and Congress submit to terrorists so they can avoid accountability, this project to restore America is done before it really got going.
Yes. Nihilism. Power. Control. Insatiable appetites. Incredible coming from a former Pretendident who finger wagged that "sometimes you've made enough money".
The corruption spans the globe with the intent to keep the chosen in control and the unwashed out. As George Carlin used to famously remark in his routine, "It's a small club and you ain't in it".
>She had to win at all costs.
Yes. Because they had gotten sloppy and didn't even make real efforts to cover up the trails. Obama couldn't even keep his official legend straight, on multiple occasions is recorded slipping on up his "official" birthdate.
There was no way they could allow a proper housecleaning. Which is why this Administration sitting on its hands and allowing Obama hires and placements to remain over 1 year into it is very distressing to many.
>You know why.
See above. Obama sucked at selling and closing the deal to implode America and distribute the pie, he was more interested in being a celebutard than following his tasking to complete the destruction of America from within. His narcissism was a bigger impediment than they had factored in. Hillary was next up at plate and she had the ruthlessness that O lacked.
How do people support/vote 4 these people?
>Well, if you look at the counties in VA, DC, MD, CA that voted for her its because their faces are deep in the pig trough and they want to keep feeding. For others, it's in group/out group virtue signalling as a product of years of indoctrination, brain washing, emotional manipulation. I think any anon here can offer up a relative or co-worker who thinks they are smarter than everyone else because "they were with Her"
>http:// video.foxnews.com/v/5774707105001/?#sp=show-clips
Interesting, my laptop muted this and I couldn't unmute. Had to go to a different source to watch. Because it is on Fox, many we need to reach will reject the info contained within.