as the world burns…..
Wall Street loves them some Biden ; everyone should just cash out their 401ks and crash the motherfucker
i do not think lawyers and courts are going to save the republic
some normie i know that still watches TV said CNN is the most fair of the bunch through this process ; i guess they want to make it through the morass
hey man, don't call me him….just an opinion….if you are counting on "the suits" to fix it, that is your opinion
well, folks should pay the penalty and tax get out now….before there isn't anything to get
people need to just cancel that cable, etc and take the power away from them ; but folks feel like they are missing something if they do not have 1,000 channels of pure shit ; why is that? find something else to do and stop feeding the beast
people can't even get to the grocery store without their GPS….they get lost all of the time ; it was by design
i never did paper assets ; land only for this scardy-cat
so Pop let the boil fester for all to see? and now Pop has to lance (pop?) it?
media is waiting for NV call so they can all line up in a column of sycophancy and steam roll the people into it; 270, 270, 270 is all they will scream ; it was where Gore fucked up when he didn't claim victory and they fucked him in FL.
Sargon got me a kek……so, you have that same knot on your head, where you kept banging it on the wall of the normie mind? me too. i gave it up ; fuck 'em….the swelling has already gone down
"hello. how may i prosecute you?"