part 1: >>169315
list of all (1950+) resignations:
Sorry for the doubles - happens after Gateway Error 504
Armenian PM Sargsyan resigns after week of mass protests
Published time: 23 Apr, 2018 12:40
#Also posted in General#
Hoping drunk, drugged up Pelosi stays in office. She is clearly a double agent and gives up all the good info. Ex. whatever she said about trip to Korea, just reverse it. Clearly, she was there to sell, "miniaturization technology," TO North Korea. Can't wait for the tribunals!
Call Sign Extortion 17: The Shoot-Down of SEAL Team Six. 6 August 2011
Brazilian food processor BRF CEO José Aurélio Drummond Jr resigns days after EU bans imports from 12 facilities
(most likely) dirty police chief resigns.
>>> Attn. Baker
Greg Craig, the White House counsel for President Barack Obama, abruptly left his law firm Skadden Arps.
pics related:
News article
2 & 3 Wayback Machine capture of law firm website
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added, thx. please provide a source next time, not only screenshots
Jamie Susskind, former aide to Ed Miliband, has quit the UK Labour Party.
Pretty sure it's more because he was a temp from the start, brought in to groom a successor to Iwata, but posting it here just in case.
Eric Henry, CEO of the Hershey Trust Co., has announced his resignation. Significant because of his ties to the Milton S. Hershey School, which has been caught up in the past with pedo ties, including a house parent just arrested this month for molesting an 8-year-old student.
Henry is also a Penn State grad (think Sandusky).
>Eric Henry, the banker who managed the $13.5 billion in assets for the Milton S. Hershey School, has resigned as CEO of Hershey Trust Co., saying he would pursue “other professional opportunities”
>The Milton Hershey School is the nation’s richest private school, serving impoverished children. The Hershey Trust Co. functions as charitable school’s investment-management arm. Henry — who was paid $1.4 million in 2016, the most at the charity, tax filing show — also resigned as chairman of the charity-owned Hershey Entertainment & Resorts Co., which operates HersheyPark.
>Hershey Trust spokesman Peter Shelly would not comment on Henry’s resignation beyond a statement, noting that the school had grown from 1,850 students in 2012 to 2,050 students in 2018 under his leadership. And the completion of its North Campus will enable it to serve 2,300 students by the 2022-23 school year.
>“I’d like to thank Eric for his service to the Trust and wish him well in his future endeavors,” Robert C. “Bob” Heist, the chairman of the board at the Hershey Trust Co., said in the statement.
>Henry departs as the charity is seeking four additional board members — the same individuals serve on the separate boards of both the Milton Hershey School and the Hershey Trust Co. — to reach a target of 13 members as part of an agreement with the attorney general’s office in 2016. Henry was not a member of the boards.
>The board has been investigated by the Office of Attorney General for financial irregularities. Attorney General Josh Shapiro has told the super-rich school that it should expand and help many more poor Pennsylvania children.
>The attorney general’s office had no comment on Thursday on Henry’s resignation.
>A woman who answered Henry’s phone at the Hershey Trust Co. said on Thursday that he had resigned and was not available there. The statement said a national search was underway to replace him.
>Henry, a graduate of Pennsylvania State University, previously served as executive director at Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement System.
>Henry joined the Hershey Trust Co. as chief executive officer and chief investment officer in February 2012, replacing Reese chocolate family scion Robert Reese. The charity’s assets have grown over the last six years from $9 billion to its current $13.5 billion, which is more than $1 billion larger than the University of Pennsylvania’s endowment. The central Pennsylvania school’s largest asset is a controlling stake in the Hershey Co. chocolate giant. Hershey Co. stock dividends help pay for school operations.
>The Hershey chocolate giant reportedly rejected an offer of $115 a share from snack giant Mondelez in 2016 and its stock has stumbled this year on concerns about chocolate consumption in the United States. Shares closed around $93 a share on Thursday, down from over $115 in December 2017.
>Last August, the charity sold some of its assets back to the Hershey chocolate company for $475 million, a deal that Henry noted helped diversify its assets. In addition to Hershey stock, the charity owns a big portfolio of non-chocolate investments, Hershey Entertainment and about 10,000 acres of land in the Hershey area.
>“I am grateful for the opportunity to help advance the mission of the Milton Hershey School in providing its students with the very best education,” Henry said in the statement. “The school continues to grow and add students. I am very proud to have played a role in helping to chart such a bright future for the Trust, the School, and, most importantly, the students.”
According to media reports in South Africa, Cono, 24, is due to become the new spouse of 76-year-old Zuma who currently has four other wives.
The Sunday Times weekly reported that Cono had been a frequent visitor at Zuma's residence east of Johannesburg since she was 19.
Probably already posted but in case
Not sure if it’s a resignation/sacking/retirement
Maybe This is way off, BUT
As the world turns
Wag the Dog >>>Shortly before an election, a spin-doctor and a Hollywood producer join efforts to fabricate a war in order to cover up a Presidential sex scandal.
>We are watching a movie!<
CBS learned during the live TV assassination of Oswald to always keep a live TV camera going in their news room because they were beaten in coverage by other outlets. This changed the way TV news coverage occurred in America. It also spread the news to mass audience faster than ever before.
They learned they could manipulate the population group think. As the world turns…..
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French article
here is translation
This guy has connection to rothchild
Michael K. Bloom is out as the chief executive officer of Fred’s Inc. after less than two years in the top job and a failed attempt to buy hundreds of Rite Aids.
CEO James Nelson has retired from the board. He had led Sunworks and its predecessor company Solar3D from 2010 until April 2017.
VANCOUVER, April 27, 2018 /PRNewswire/ - Copper Mountain Mining Corporation (TSX: CMMC) (the "Company" or "Copper Mountain") announced today that President and Chief Executive Officer James C. O'Rourke will be retiring on June 1, 2018.
Deluxe CEO Lee Schram announces retirement plans
Quant CEO and Co-founder Gilbert Verdian has left his role as Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of Vocalink - a Mastercard company, where he was responsible for the Security of the UK’s payment infrastructure for the Bank of England, covering BACS, FasterPayments, Link and Cheque & Credit Schemes – to lead the Quant Network team in the development of their block chain operating system, Overledger.
Old but Gold. Renzi had publicly supported Hillary before the US elections, when he was still PM of Italy, saying that he "was sure of her victory". He has now (March) resigned from the Dem Party after losing the elections.
Michael Anton, National Security aide (resigned 4-8-17)
Tom Bossert, Homeland Security Advisor resigned 4-10-17
Conrad Candelario, U.S. Marshall for Mexico
Greg Craig, White House Counsel for President Obama, Skadden Arps Law firm
Samantha Dravis, Sr. Counsel & Assoc. Administrator, Office of Policy, Environmental Protection Agency (investigation of potential fraud)
Regina Dugan, Vice President, Facebook Building 8 Team
Patrick Meehan, R, PA Dist. 7 (resigned 4-27-18 due to Sexual Harassment Scandal)
Serzh Sargsyan, Prime Minister, Armenia
David Shulkin, Veterans Affairs Secretary (fired 3-28-17)
Martin Sorrell, CEO, WPP
Elizabeth "Betsy" Southerland, Dir. Of Science and Technology, EPA
Principal Joseph Moylan - abruptly resigns - March 1
Nevada CIO Shanna Rahming - Feb 15, 2018
Washington state CIO Michael Cockrill - September 27, 2017
Crossroads YMCA CEO - Laurie Halaska
Korean Air - Hyunah and Hyun-min Cho - heiresses resign - smuggle probe–finance.html
stumbles on this nice list of resignations from February. the special elections for these resignations is dated for April 24 2018 (not sure if we have these names yet) i posted this in general and posting it here too
8 charged following R.I. Youth Training School riot, director resigns
Really. We are going to talk about Q like this. Disrespectful talking about patriots in this manner. He said be careful. Watch those who say to be a patriot they need your monthly support. We don't need to peg everybody and use your judgment. I might be called a hypocrite bc I pointed out AJ, but he is the only one who conflates the Q message and discredits it at times by his psycho babble then pitches. Others like you mention don't, as I listen to them, say up front its their full time gig to expose the truth but don't mind fuck by guilting you into supporting them. Again it is a matter of judgment. Last example, someone followed me with all sorts hashtags supporting trump greatawakening selling baby products. Shit like that. Peace.
Gregorian Calendar off by 5 years.
December 2012 =December 2017.
Pisces to Aquarius?
12.5 to 25% Consciousness
Think messenger where nothing is as it seems.
Revelation 17 (Q) revealing of Babylon/Cabal/Deep State.
Revelation 18 - Takedown of the Cabal.
Revelation 19 - Mop up.
Revelation 20 - Final judgement of Cabal.
Revelation 21 - Heaven on Earth.
Revelation 22 -Wake up call
Too soon?
1942 Battle over Los Angeles.
1952 July DC.
I tried to cross check prior to posting, but the list is down
Amber Rudd resigns British Home Secretary, Secretary of State for the Home Department.
Good riddance!
>Good riddance
Do you American idiot even know why she resigned? Because she wanted to actually enforce the law and deport illegal immigrants. I swear this board is full of morons.
Catherine Brenner -AMP
Former AMP chief executive Craig Meller has resigned as a financial services adviser to the Turnbull government.
R = 18.
Q signs anonymous
. In 7th position
No Name=187
Strange Pissing contest. It must be a clown thing.
Perhaps will not be evading justice for much longer…?
Oh so sorry wrong thread! :((
What if all your clappers that are belong to us were hooked up together to deliver one ampere of electricity for every 10000 hand claps to Mr Clapper? I'd wager all you would hear 24/7/365 until he was turned into a heap of ashes would be a round of applause across the USA. What if popular demand would see us continue the mass zapping through all the Cabal , to eventually finish off the zapping with HRC, where the applause would need 10,000,000 for one milliamp & she'd still disappear in a micro second. That would be awesomner AF!!
STARKVILLE – The OCH Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees accepted the resignation letter of Administrator and CEO Richard Hilton on Tuesday, after he announced plans to retire in the coming months.
WhatsApp CEO Jan Koum quits Facebook due to privacy intrusions
I’m taking some time off to do things I enjoy outside of technology, such as collecting rare air-cooled Porsches, working on my cars and playing ultimate frisbee,” WhatsApp co-founder, CEO and Facebook board member Jan Koum wrote today. The announcement followed shortly after The Washington Post reported that Koum would leave due to disagreements with Facebook management about WhatsApp user data privacy and weakened encryption. Koum obscured that motive in his note that says, “I’ll still be cheering WhatsApp on – just from the outside.”
Here you go!
Another one bites the dust.
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too early for the list - list starts Sept. 1, 2017
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haven't seen the list down yet…
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The long-time CEO of Pittsburgh’s 17th-largest financial institution is retiring on June 20.
“I will remain as an ambassador,” said Barron “Pat” McCune, whose leadership of CB Financial Services, the Carmichaels, Pa.-based parent of Community Bank, ends with its annual meeting, where he also stands for re-election as a director.
Tom Schedler, 68, announced on Tuesday that he will resign from his position as state elections chief following the sexual misconduct claims.
RED BULL is about the panama papers?
Panama Papers expose cash trail amid Red Bull fugitive hunt
But the biggest impact from Vorayuth's accident and courtroom no-shows may, in the end, be the clues he left that now expose his family's confidential and complex offshore deals.
In 1987, Vorayuth's reclusive grandfather, Chaleo Yoovidhya, partnered his company T.C. Pharma with Mateschitz, with each investing $500,000 to market a caffeine-powered energy drink popular in Thailand. In 1987, Red Bull Energy Drink went international. Today, it's sold in 170 countries. Red Bull also has race cars and jets, and sponsors extreme athletes. Last year, the company reported $6 billion in profits.
possibly grandpappy has some diggin into
(((reclusive))) TC Pharma
Russ Brandon resigns as president of Buffalo Bills and Sabres after investigation
The New York Times’ Metro editor resigned Monday following an “investigation” involving several women, according to sources.
Wendell Jamieson is quitting “after an investigation,” Executive Editor Dean Baquet and Managing Editor Joseph Kahn said in an email sent to the newsroom and obtained by The Post.
Xerox Chief Executive Jeff Jacobson is resigning.
Doug Curtis, president and CEO of the AT&T Performing Arts Center, will resign later this month, ATTPAC officials announced Tuesday.
Longtime TrustNordisk CEO Rikke Ennis Steps Down, Susan Wendt Becomes MD
Andreas Wiseman
May 2, 2018 1:52AM PDT
Ron Gleason, CEO of Mineral Community Hospital in Superior, Mont., tendered his resignation, according to a Mineral Independent report.
Russ Brandon, the president of both the Buffalo Bills and Buffalo Sabres, has resigned.
Amar Abrol, managing director and CEO of low-cost carrier AirAsia India, has stepped down from his post, the airline said in a release.
Creator of famous hashtag #AOTF, CEO Starcom Mediavest Pakistan, Omar Abedin resigns
The Managing Director of Officeworks is Retiring
After 11 years as the managing director of Officeworks, Mark Ward has announced he will be retiring at the end of the year.
Sonoco, a large global diversified packaging company, announced president and chief executive officer M. Jack Sanders retired in April, following a 30 year career with the company.
Arnold global CEO pam Hamlin retires after 20 years
Posted on April 27, 2018 by Online Business Classes
Around the world today, Arnold announced that the global Director pam Hamlin will be that after more than two decades.
Achillion’s CEO Milind Deshpande steps down
Connie Loizos
TechCrunchMay 2, 2018
A CEO known publicly for the power of smiling was just ousted for intimidating employees
Ron Gutman, the co-founder and CEO of HealthTap, a venture-backed medical
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added (with 6 other board members), thx
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added, thx - he should be worth a deeper research imho…
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not added, content behind a login, no other sources found. can you provide another source please?
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already on the list
thank you anon, great work!
Maggie Lee and Eric Mandel Maggie Lee is a reporter for SaportaReport
May 2, 2018, 1:56pm EDT
A change is coming atop the Atlanta Housing Authority after the resignation of CEO Catherine Buell.
another one
Suzanne Greco, CEO of Subway, announced on Wednesday that she is retiring as the chief executive officer of the company. The news has come following the shut-down of hundreds of Subway stores.
The CEO of the now-bankrupt telco Aircel Kaizad Heerjee has resigned from his position at the company, reported the Economic Times.
Rajiv Verma, chief executive officer (CEO), HT Media, has resigned after a long stint of 14 years with the company. He was also serving as the CEO of the HT Music and Entertainment Company. The Board of Directors announced the news of his resignation on Wednesday.
Marty Barrington, CEO of Altria Group (Marty retires May 17).
James Cooper CEO retires in August 2018 from
Associated British Ports.
Patrick Patterson and the Volunteers of America Michigan, which named him president and CEO just last July, have parted ways over “differences.
BRIEF-Golden Eagle Retail Group Says Su Kai Resigns As CEO
ReutersMay 3, 2018
Albanian ex-minister under probe resigns as lawmaker
May 3, 2018
TIRANA, Albania (AP) — Albania's former interior minister has resigned as lawmaker to allow investigators to probe his alleged involvement in a drug trafficking ring.
Saimir Tahiri on Thursday said he gave up his position in part so the investigation wouldn't stand in the way of Albania's integration path toward the European Union.
On April 28, the Australian non-executive directors of Moon Lake Investments and its chief executive staged a mass resignation. David Crean, Rob Poole, Simon Lyons, Keith Sutton, and Bruce Donnison all resigned, while the VDL Farms chief executive Evan Rolley will not continue working past June 30.
In a press release, Ranken Jordan said their board of directors asked for and received resignations from President and CEO Lauri Tanner and Vice President and CFO Jean Bardwell after time-off violations were discovered.
Zscaler (NASDAQ:ZS) -8.y% on heavy volume (11x the 20-day average) after announcing the resignation of COO William Welch late yesterday.
J.A. “Alan” Townsend, president and CEO of Rosehill and its sole subsidiary, Rosehill Operating Company LLC, told the company’s board of directors he plans to retire and step down as a director, according to a May 2 press release.
Thank you.
Looks like they monetize just taking a breath with them. How patriotic….
Embattled Fayetteville City Councilman Tyrone Williams submitted his resignation today, effective immediately.
Sayona Mining Limited (ASX:SYA) (OTCMKTS:DMNXF) ("Sayona" or the "Company") announces that Mr Corey Nolan has tendered his resignation as Chief Executive Officer ("CEO")
Empresaria (AIM: EMR), the international specialist staffing group, announced CEO Joost Kreulen will step down
Joe Henkel retires from Kleberg Bank, Gabe Guerra named President/CEO
1:00 pm CDT May 3, 2018
The 28-year-old CEO of a controversial biohacking company was found dead in a Washington D.C. spa on Sunday.
The body of Aaron Traywick, CEO and founder of Ascendance Biomedical, was discovered in a spa room on Massachusetts Ave. shortly after 11:30 a.m. Sunday, the Metropolitan Police Department told SFGATE. The investigation remains ongoing. No evidence suggests foul play.
Chris Zeringue will step down as CEO of Gainesville-based North Texas Medical Center (NTMC),
Jim Argue Jr., a former state legislator and president/chief executive officer with United Methodist Foundation in Little Rock, died Thursday at age 66.
The cause of death was cancer.
Ex-Massachusetts Senate President Stan Rosenberg, whose husband is accused of sexual misconduct, resigns from chamber
May 3, 2018
Is there a list of just US politicians?
Manulife (International) Limited’s (Manulife International) Senior Vice President and Head of Employee Benefits Luzia Hung, who oversees the company’s retirement business in Hong Kong, is retiring on July 1.
She will also retire as chief executive officer (CEO) of Manulife Provident Funds Trust Company Limited (Manulife Provident Funds), a Manulife International spokeswoman tells Asia Asset Management
YEREVAN, MAY 3, ARMENPRESS. President and Chief Executive Officer of Lydian International Howard Stevenson, member of the Board, has resigned effective May 1, 2018, Lydian said in a press release.
PETALUMA, Calif., May 01, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Enphase Energy Inc. (NASDAQ:ENPH), a global energy technology company and the world’s leading supplier of solar microinverters, today announced that its Chief Financial Officer, Bert Garcia, is leaving the Company to pursue other opportunities
PARIS — Francois Perol, the head of France's second-biggest banking group BPCE, will step down in June and be replaced by Natixis chief Laurent Mignon, BPCE said on Thursday.
Xerox Corp said on Thursday its current board and management team, which included Chief Executive Jeff Jacobson, will stay, after a settlement agreement it had reached with dissenting shareholders to oust them expired. [nBw5bV3P7a]
Xerox had said on Tuesday its CEO and most of its board will step down to settle a lawsuit by activist shareholders Carl Icahn and Darwin Deason, handing over to new management which will reconsider a controversial deal with Japan's Fujifilm Holdings. [nL1N1S902F]
National Grid Chief Financial Officer Andrew Bonfield is stepping down to take up a position with a U.S. public company, the British power grid operator said on Friday.
Maybe already listed
April, 11,2018
The chief executive of Pakistani music-streaming service Patari has resigned from his post after two women alleged he harassed them.
Khalid Bajwa resigned from his post on Wednesday after the women took to Twitter to share conversations they had had with the Patari CEO, claiming he harassed them on multiple occasions.
SHAYNE O’CASS, The Daily Telegraph
May 4, 2018 4:18am
INGLIS Managing Director Mark Webster will step down from his role after more than a decade at the helm of Australia’s leading thoroughbred auctioneers.
The Association for Communication and Advertising has announced that its CEO, Odette van der Haar, has tendered her resignation from the organisation she’s so led for the past 11 years.
Reuters) - Air France-KLM (AIRF.PA) CEO Jean-Marc Janaillac said on Friday he would resign after staff rejected a pay deal, plunging the airline into turmoil amid a wave of strikes at its French brand that has cost the company 300 million euros ($359 million).
The chief executive of Greece's National Bank (NBG) Leonidas Fragiadakis resigned on Friday after completing his three-year term in the post, the bank said.
Hannah Rosenthal, president and chief executive officer of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation, has announced she will retire at the end of the year.
Clarkston Financial Corporation Chairman Kenneth Rogers Retires;
Vancouver Aquarium CEO John Nightingale announces retirement after 25 years
Caterpillar (CAT) Brad Halverson to Retire as CFO
KLM-Air France boss Jean-Marc Janaillac resigns after French staff reject pay deal. Sauce bbcdotcom
BREAKING: Embattled FBI Lawyer Lisa Page Has Resigned
Q / BO /patriotsfight/
A friend in Taiwan says that the site is blocked 'due to a security issue'. Aggregate site as well.
DALLAS — G6 Hospitality LLC has announced the retirement of its president and CEO Jim Amorosia.
Peter Nicol steps down as President/CEO of Gymnastics Canada
Eric Doden, CEO of Greater Fort Wayne Inc., has resigned from the leadership post effective Dec. 31.
WASHINGTON — The White House doctor assigned to Vice President Mike Pence has resigned in the latest shakeup stemming from Dr. Ronny Jackson's failed nomination for Veterans Affairs secretary.
Pence's office says it was "informed today by the White House Medical Unit of the resignation" involving Dr. Jennifer Pena.
BALTIMORE (AP) — The director of Baltimore's Office of Civil Rights and Wage Enforcement has resigned and was sworn into the state Senate.
Jill P. Carter said Friday that she had not intended to resign, but recently learned state law prohibits her from holding the director position as a sitting senator. Carter said she intends to accept a deputy director position in the Civil Rights office.
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The chairwoman of South Africa's state-owned logistics utility Transnet has resigned along with two other board members, the public enterprises ministry said on Thursday.
Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan, whose department also oversees state-owned power utility Eskom, gave no reason for chairwoman Linda Mabaso's resignation.
ANDOVER — Town Administrator Joe Higgins announced Wednesday that the town’s collector has turned in her resignation.The tax collector, Donna Doyker, turned in her resignation this week, effective at the end of May.
The vice president of the Austin Police Association has resigned after being suspended from the Austin Police Department for 20 days and demoted.
Mike Shumann (KGO-TV/ABC7 News)
SAN FRANCISCO - Mike Shumann, ABC7 sports anchor and reporter, has announced his resignation from the company.
BATON ROUGE, LA (WAFB) - One LSU police officer has resigned and four others have been disciplined after a recording surfaced of officers making degrading comments about the family of a missing LSU student and the investigation into his disappearance, LSU said Friday.
Mexico City (AFP) - The US ambassador to Mexico stepped down Friday after announcing her resignation in March, setting up a delicate transition period at a time of sharp tension between the two neighbors.
Ambassador Roberta Jacobson was to celebrate a final farewell with embassy staff on Friday afternoon, then fly out on Saturday, the embassy said.
Huntley Paton, president and publisher of the San Diego Business Journal, is leaving the organization this summer to return to North Carolina.
WEDR-FM 99.1 afternoon host Felisha Monet is leaving the popular South Florida hip hop and R & B station.
Inder Verma, the prominent cancer scientist and geneticist who has been accused of sexual harassment by several women, resigned yesterday as editor-in-chief of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), a prestigious academic journal.
BREAKING: Former FBI Chief Legal Counsel James Baker Resigns from FBI – Granular Detail Indicates “No Immunity”…
Chad PM resigns as constitutional changes boost president's powers….A statement read on national television on Thursday announced Prime Minister Albert Pahimi Padacke and his government had stepped aside.
New on SI: Panthers Defensive Backs Coach Curtis Fuller Resigns Amid Workplace Conduct Complaints
(Editorial Page Editor Chuck Plunkett) The Denver Post editor who oversaw an editorial critical of budget and staff cuts made by the newspaper's New York-based hedge fund owners said he resigned Thursday after another piece critical of the company was rejected.
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please contact me via google doc share button
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yes, there is a list on an official .gov site - they list ALL US-politicians leaving… unfortunately i dont know the link anymore
HEY ANONS SOORY FOR CAPS! NEWFAGZ HERE. PLEASE READ!!! Why dont we all download george soros little precious notifiica app he is sing to help illegals. i have not look into the app but assume it works by creating reports. WHY DONT WE CREATE 100,000 OF FALSE REPORTS?? LETS GET THIS COCKSUCKER!!!..
Stefan Olsson Resigns as Global Gaming CEO
TransPeshawar top management quits after CEO gets fired
–KP Chief Minister Pervaiz Khattak dismisses CEO Altaf Zaidi over ‘delay in BRT project’
Pence's Doctor that accused Ronny Jackson of Mis-Conduct Resigned.
This is All CONNECTED!!!
>the great awakening
Kanye is being hidden and ignored!!!
>I get it!!! Why give a shit?!
Well let me tell you and present you with an UNMONOTIZED raw data stream!!!!
>a true selfless patriot
the Mad Mardigan of the Infowarriors… Bellagio Sampler is guiding us by the hand through these dark times and Mass Happening events…
shows kanye's intentions
And Bellagio really gives a play by play Redpill by redpill Quick Rundown (((54 minutes)))
I highly reccomend these pills
You wont be disappointed and if you Are KYS it was free Redpills and THE ONLY INFOWARRIOR WHO DOESNT SHEKKEL BEG or profit!!!
>I Prophet
Your gonna wanna see this take. The great awakening is effecting us ALL even MK Kanye
>Kanye is just an attention seeker.
Take the Flag you win the Battle,
Take the Seal & Win the WAR !
Find the Postmaster!
Newly-appointed MD of Association for Data-driven Marketing and Advertising (ADMA), Ben Sharp, has exited the business, AdNews can reveal
Venezuela arrests 11 top executives at largest private bank
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuelan authorities arrested 11 executives of the country's largest private bank in an ongoing investigation into the country's soaring inflation, officials said.
The executives at Banesco are suspected of irregularities that devalued Venezuela's currency, said Attorney General Tarek William Saab, describing the probe as "surgical."
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not added - officers are not that important
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Thelma Aldana…Guatemala's crusading prosecutor exits amid praise, threats
23 mins ago
BRIEF-Sunshine Oilsands Says Qiping Men Resigns As CEO
Air France CEO resingns
BUENOS AIRES (JTA) – Argentina’s Jewish political umbrella asked for the resignation of its president over accusations by an Argentine actress of improper sexual conduct.
The Delegation of Argentine Israelites Associations, or DAIA, on Saturday night asked Ariel Cohen Sabban for his resignation, following the public accusation by actress Esmeralda Mitre.
Monsanto Co's Chief Executive Officer Hugh Grant will step down when Bayer AG completes the takeover of the U.S. seeds company, making way for Bayer executive Liam Condon to lead the combined crop sciences business.
Grant became CEO in 2003 and will leave following the close of the deal, along with other senior executives including Chief Financial Officer Pierre Courduroux and Chief Technology Officer Robert Fraley, Monsanto said on Monday.
Republican SEC commissioner Michael Piwowar to retire by July
Securities and Exchange Commission Commissioner Michael Piwowar, a Republican, announced Monday that he will retire from his position by July.
“It has been an honor to serve the American people at such a respected agency and work with such dedicated and talented staff,” Piwowar wrote in a letter to President Trump.
Piwowar’s term as commissioner ends June 5, and he plans to retire as soon as a successor if sworn in, but no later than July 7. If there is no one to serve in Piwowar’s stead after he leaves, there is a potential for a deadlock in the agency with leadership split down the aisle 2-2.
“I am grateful to former President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senator Richard Shelby, and Senator Mike Crapo for the opportunity to serve in this role,” Piwowar wrote. “We accomplished a great deal for the “forgotten investor” in a short period of time."
Piwowar was the longest serving Republican in the SEC.
New owner of Cambodian newspaper begins by firing editor May 7, 2018
The dismissal of Kay Kimsong, editor-in-chief of the English and Khmer-language editions of the Phnom Penh Post, was followed by the resignations in protest of at least four senior editorial
DC area lawyer found died at 39. I cannot locate a cause. Saw on Research board. Noit sure if this is a suspicious.
Michael Phillip Beaver, age 39, of Acme, PA, passed away on Wednesday, May 2, 2018. Born in Mt. Pleasant, he was the son of Linda Susan (McNair) Beaver and William R. Beaver. He was a graduate of Saint Vincent College where he studied Political Science with a minor in Graphic Design and earned his Juris Doctorate from The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law. He was a member of the Ohio and California State Bar. Most recently, he served as the Assistant Parliamentarian for the U.S. Senate. Prior to that, he served as Deputy Legislative Counsel for the State of California. Aside from being a brilliant attorney, Michael was passionate about hockey and music, a talented cook, avid gardener, and gifted artist. He was a loving husband to his wife Gilda, and he was a caring, fun, and patient father to his two young boys, Bradley Dastan Beaver (age 3) and Connor Milad Beaver (age 2). His smart wit and dry sense of humor will be sorely missed.
In addition to his parents, wife, and children, Michael is survived by his brother Christopher Beaver and wife Eunice, nephews Benjamin and Aaron Beaver, his aunt Diana and uncle Bob Durbin and their children, mother-in-law Shahla Alishahi, father-in-law Reza Mossadegh, sister-in-law Mahsa Mossadegh-Sorn, nieces Isabella and Alexandra Sorn, and many other family and friends.
The viewings for Michael will be from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Monday, May 7, 2018, and the funeral service will be on Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. at Francis J. Collins Funeral Home, 500 University Blvd. West in Silver Spring, MD (Valet Parking). In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made in Michael’s name to the Pennsylvania SPCA:
Looks like a civil rights lawyer.
Business Law
Civil Rights
Criminal Law
Employment Law
Has bar in Ohio and Cali-
in 2004
United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, United States District Court for the Central District of California, United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio; 2006, California; 2004, Ohio; Not admitted in District of Columbia
All over fox news. Schneiderman RESIGNS.
Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to resign after being accused of abuse by multiple women in a bombshell new report Monday.
Cuomo released a statement Monday night that said Schneiderman should step down “for the good of the office.”
“No one is above the law, including New York’s top legal officer,” Cuomo said.
Sex–power–thinking with ones entitled peeeniiisss
Port of Newcastle CEO Geoff Crowe Resigns
Aiswarya Lakshmi May 7, 2018
Michael Johnson announced his resignation as CEO of the Boys & Girls Club of Dane County (BGCDC) on Monday
Dr. Terrance Owen Resigns as CEO of Cell MedX Corp
Press Releases2018-05-07
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Serbia's Finance Minister Dusan Vujovic submitted a letter of resignation on Monday citing personal reasons.
Mike Abbate, director of Portland Parks & Recreation for the city of Portland, announced his resignation May 7, 2018.
(Beth Nakamura/Staff)
BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) - Romania's central bank governor said Monday he won't seek another term after almost three decades in the post.
National Bank Governor Mugur Isarescu responded to a question whether he would seek another mandate when it expires in 2019.
"I can't do it any longer," the 68-year-old said.
Dukes County treasurer Noreen Mavro-Flanders announced this week that she will resign from her elected position, a job she has held for nearly 27 years.
STUART — City Manager Dave Ross stepped down Friday, following calls by the City Commission for his resignation or termination.
Port Authority police superintendent and director of public safety …Michael Fedorko ….will step down immediately.
Port Authority Chairman Kevin O'Toole said recently an internal inquiry was active.
WI: Rhinelander- Oneida County Airport Director Joe Brauer Retires
BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KBAK/KBFX) — Former Mayor Harvey Hall has announced that the is stepping down as president of the Hall Ambulance Service.
On the heels of a disastrous first-quarter earnings report, Snap CFO Drew Vollero is out, and veteran Amazon financial executive Tim Stone is in.
AMP directors quit amid banking royal commission findings
Two of the three AMP directors standing for re-election at this week's annual general meeting have decided to resign, with the company's longest-serving director to follow.
The Australian Shareholders' Association had said it would vote against the re-election of Vanessa Wallace and Holly Kramer following damaging revelations about AMP at the banking royal commission, but both will now step down before Thursday's annual general meeting.
Andrew Harmos will still stand for re-election despite the ASA's intention to oppose him, while Patty Akopiantz will end her seven plus-year stint on the board by the end of 2018.
"Our shareholders are demanding board accountability and need to know that meaningful change is underway," AMP Interim Executive Chariman Mike Wilkins said in a statement to the ASX on Tuesday.
The banking royal commission had already claimed two major scalps from AMP, with CEO Craig Mellor resigning in April, followed by Chairman Catherine Brenner.
AMP's market value has fallen by more than $2 billion since its executives began giving testimony to the royal commission.
The Commission's 3rd round of hearings will get underway on May 21.
Mr. Trump as POTUS you must withdraw from the Iran deal which has brought nothing but profiteering for the cabal and it’s cronies.
——— NOTABLE Resignations ——–
Resignations of CEO + 2 Audit Committee members from an oil and gas public company listed on an exchange
—— Lilis Energy 8k Disclosure to the SEC ——
LILIS ENERGY, INC. (OTCMKTS:LLEX) Files An 8-K Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
Item 5.02 Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers.
On April 6, 2018, James L. Linville ceased serving as CEO of the Company. The Company entered into an agreement with Mr. Linville to which he will receive severance and other consideration to the terms of his employment agreement.
On April 6, 2018, Peter Benz informed the Company’s Board of his intent to resign, effective April 6, 2018, from his position as a member of the Board and all committees thereof, for personal and other business reasons. Mr. Benz served as a member of the Audit Committee.
On April 6, 2018, Merrill McPeak informed the Company’s Board of his intent to resign, effective April 6, 2018, from his position as a member of the Board and all committees thereof, for personal and other business reasons. Mr. McPeak served as a member of the Audit Committee, Compensation Committee, and the Nominating and Governance Committee.
Also -
CEO of Technology leaving too
British Gas parent firm Centrica Plc said Chairman Rick Haythornthwaite plans to step down in the next 12 months after more than 4 years in the role.
Haythornthwaite joined the board in 2013 and became chairman in 2014.
Armenia's interim PM Karapetyan says stepping down
ReutersMay 8, 2018
MOSCOW, May 8 (Reuters) - Armenian interim Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan said on Tuesday he was stepping down, after parliament elected opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan to the role.
PCMA President and CEO Mark Merritt to Depart At Year-End
Published: May 7, 2018 9:44 a.m. ET
Four more Nike executives exit as harassment inquiry continues.
Asked to confirm the names of the executives and the reasons for their departure, Nike declined to comment.
May 08, 2018 12:48 p.m.
Horizon Global CEO Mark Zeffiro resigns amid company restructuring.
Kimball International Inc. KBAL, -2.00% said Tuesday that Chief Executive Bob Schneider will retire, effective Oct. 31,
BRIEF-Atkore International Group Announces Retirement Of CEO John Williamson.
The longtime president and CEO of Milford Federal Bank, Cynthia Casey, is retiring next month, the bank announced Tuesday.
BOISE - Bill Whitacre, who spent the past nine years as chief executive officer of the J.R. Simplot Co., announced his retirement.
President and CEO of Raymond Handling Concepts, Steve Raymond, to retire in 2018.
CHICAGO — Michael Kutza, Founder and CEO of Cinema/Chicago, the presenting organization of the Chicago International Film Festival, today announced that he will be retiring from his role at the end of 2018.
Zillow announced Monday that Kathleen Philips, who serves as the company’s chief financial officer and chief legal officer, is retiring from her role as CFO effective at the end of May.
( Not sure if this fits )
Labour Member of Parliament Heidi Alexander resigns to become London deputy mayor.
Kam Wong, chief executive officer and president of New York's Municipal Credit Union, was charged with fraud, embezzlement and aggravated identity theft offenses.
Wong allegedly took $6 million from the credit union, spending nearly $3.55 million on lottery tickets.
He could face up to 30 years in prison for these offenses.
LAS CRUCES - The CEO of MountainView Regional Medical Center on Tuesday announced his departure after nearly a decade at the helm of one of Las Cruces' two major hospitals.
Denis O’Brien to retire in 2019; Anne Pramaggiore promoted to CEO of Exelon Utilities.
Bazaarvoice CEO Gene Austin steps down after guiding Austin tech company to exit .
Davy Kesten replaces himself as CEO at Sparkcentral.
The management of the Piraeus Port Authority (PPA) on Friday announced the resignation of Li Jianchun from his post as Deputy CEO effective as of May 2. PPA operates the Piraeus Port, Greece’s largest and busiest port.
Niel Schoeman steps down as Vumatel CEO
The RSA Group, a global life sciences executive search firm, announced Alex Bennett will leave his post as CEO to pursue new challenges.
Scott Morgan, the founder and CEO of the school leadership training program Education Pioneers, announced Tuesday he will step down from his role at the nonprofit in June.
Five new Australian parliamentarians have been ousted for holding dual citizenship when they were elected.
On Wednesday, Senator Katy Gallagher was ruled ineligible by a court in what was widely viewed as a fresh test case.
Four other politicians who were under scrutiny resigned after the verdict.
Ms Gallagher and Justine Keay, Josh Wilson and Susan Lamb are members of the opposition Labor party. The fifth politician, Rebekha Sharkie, is part of minor party Centre Alliance.
Debbie Abrahams has been sacked as Labour's shadow work and pensions secretary over allegations of workplace bullying, a party spokesman has said.
Mahikeng - North West Premier Supra Mahumapelo has resigned, the African National Congress (ANC) North West confirmed on Tuesday.
GUWAHATI, May 8: In a surprise development, Assam Legislative Assembly deputy speaker Dilip Kumar Paul resigned from his post on Tuesday. Paul was unanimously elected as deputy speaker of Assam Assembly on June 3, 2016.
Pretty much notice there is a divide in America and people don't want the truth about child rape and trafficking. Not even those on the right. Only a few. Q, I think it will just have to be the truth out right. People are waiting to see what justice looks like. And they don't know they are missing some of it.
Wrong thread anon,this is Resignations ;)
Veteran Media Personality, Oheneba Akua Manfo known best as Blakofe has resigned from her position as the Deputy Chief Executive Office of the Ghana Tourism Development Company (GTDC) over alleged issues of idleness and malfeasance at the company.
The resignation of Muñoz Conde( because the reform of sexual crimes reminds him of Nazism) comes after being summoned by the president of the Criminal Section of the codification commission, Esteban Mestre, to the meeting on Thursday, which will study the reform of sexual crimes.
GlaxoSmithKline Plc chief financial officer Simon Dingemans has decided to retire, the company said on Wednesday.
Dingemans will step down from the board in May 2019, the company said in a statement.
CEO Thomas Husted abruptly resigns from Pahrump Based Valley Electric.
>>Denten Park is his name- sorry
Mr De Decker from Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel's liberal Reform Movement (MR), announced that he is resigning from the Francophone Liberal Party.
Armand De Decker has been indicted for influence-peddling as part of the wide-ranging "Kazakhgate" probe into allegations of corruption linked to a trade agreement between France and Kazakhstan, a public prosecutor said Monday.
After almost nine years service at youth organisation Zeal, including one year as CEO, today Matt Grey has resigned.
Reinstate the anti propaganda law.
Bob Brant retires from Hawaii's Gentry Homes Wednesday after eighteen years as President and CEO
ANAHEIM – After six years at the helm of Citrix Canada, and 23 years in the IT channel, CDN has learned that Michael Murphy has retired.
BELLEVUE, Wash., May 9, 2018 /PRNewswire/ – Bsquare BSQR+2.86% announced today that president and CEO Jerry Chase is stepping down to pursue other opportunities. Mr. Chase will also be stepping down from his board seat.
The CEO of Lonely Planet, the esteemed travel-guide company headquartered in Franklin, has stepped down — and one industry outlet says the Franklin billionaire who owns the company is looking to sell.
Daniel Houghton is no longer running Lonely Planet, which is owned by Brad Kelley's NC2 Media.
Cambridge cancer genomics business Inivata is looking for a new CEO. The search has been sparked by Michael Stocum’s decision to step down to pursue other interests.
Nick Crompton, COO of Jake Paul’s Team 10 quits citing internal changes
UK celebrity & legend
Dame Barbara Windsor has retired from public life after being diagnosed with Alzheimer's
CEO Nick Orlandino is retiring from the industry after 35 years of service.
SEOUL, May 10 (Reuters) - Jin Air, South Korea's budget airline, said on Thursday that its co-chief executive, Cho Yang-ho, had resigned from his post, without elaborating on the reason.
Sun Life’s Riza Mantaring to step down as CEO
Maybe not senior enough?
Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc (L:RR) Chief Operating Officer Simon Kirby will leave the company in June as the British manufacturer looks to streamline its business, it said in a memo to staff seen by Reuters.
Co Founder Sachin Bansal to exit Flipkart after its takeover by Walmart.
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AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER: McCellon-Allen Retires As SWEPCO President And COO
Cloud Security Company ZScaler, which went public in March this year and has a stock market value of over $3 billion, witnessed a rude shock when its COO William Welch announced his resignation at the end of last week.
Andrew Crouch COO resigns from Zayo Group Inc. (NYSE: ZAYO)
State Board of Education President Michael Kirst, whom Jerry Brown brought into state government after his election to a first term as governor 44 years ago, will go out with Brown when he retires later this year.
Tighe & Bond Announces CEO Succession Plan
David Pinsky to Retire in December
ST. LEO—Saint Leo University president William J. Lennox Jr. announced his retirement April 30, according to a news release.
Arrested on the date the current Ros@tom CEO assumed function
Stole 50 TB of from the "numerical archive"(Mil data)
Plot to kill 98% of civilized world enabler.
Worst of worst.
Zero tolerance- use any method to get the information from him leading to prosecution of Obama crime syndicate-he hid it.(Including Room 101)
Do anything to this venomous ratsnake.(Betrayed absolutely everyone- even consider going after his family to get info)
Slim Smith
May 9, 2018
Thomas Huebner has resigned as president of East Mississippi Community College.
Lori Lightfoot resigns as Chicago Police Board president, setting stage for mayoral run.
May 10 (UPI) – The chairman of Korean Air, Cho Yang-ho, stepped down from his role as CEO of Jin Air on Thursday amid numerous investigations involving his family.
Ajai Jhala quits BBDO India as CEO
OKEMOS — Laura Czelada, president and CEO of Delta Dental of Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana, plans to retire from her position at the end of the year after a 25-year career with the company.
Jim Moroney, chairman, president and chief executive officer of A. H. Belo Corporation, plans to retire effective with the May meeting of the Board of Directors. Moroney will continue serving as a director and will assume the title of publisher emeritus of The Dallas Morning News, where he served as publisher and chief executive officer from 2001 until March 2018.
Greater Twin Cities United Way CEO Sarah Caruso will retire in July
Q-Drop 1070 possible explanation:
>The ‘Tone’.
not sure, but primes me to think of phrases like "keep the tone civil"
Civil WAR? where is civil war ongoing? Syria.
>April showers.
April showers bring May flowers.
Showers of what, on what?
Flowers where?
April Showers of missiles on Syria bring May flowers (in Syria?) of…?
Next 21 days will test this hypothesis.
Just my two cents.
Republican Rep. Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania says Friday will be his last day in Congress, after saying last month that he wouldn't finish his seventh term.
Brian Cute Resigns As President And CEO of Public Interest Registry
System Editor May 10, 2018
The Board of Directors of SIA, meeting today under the chairmanship of Giuliano Asperti, has taken note of the resignation for personal reasons presented by Chief Executive Officer, Massimo Arrighetti, who will remain in office up to 15 June
Tata CLiQ CEO Ashutosh Pandey quits, to join Mahindras (
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DUBLIN (Reuters) - The director general of Ireland’s Health Service Executive has resigned in the midst of a controversy over a national cervical cancer screening programme.
TOKYO (Reuters) - Mazda Motor Corp (7261.T) said on Friday that president and CEO Masamichi Kogai would step down and be replaced by Akira Marumoto, who currently serves as vice president and oversees operations in the Americas.
Maybe another thread though ?
Guatemala asks Sweden, Venezuela to remove ambassadors over 'interference'
Because Ambassadors Anders Kompass and Elena Alicia Salcedo Poleo have, in the course of their work, assumed attitudes that result in interference in the internal affairs of Guatemala, the governments of Sweden and Venezuela have been asked to withdraw them," Guatemala's foreign ministry said in a statement, without giving further details.
Barbara Milligan, the president and CEO of the Cape and Islands United Way, has left her position after four years for a job in Vermont, according to the organization’s board chairman.
May 5, 2018, Murphy Simhambhalta, Ph.D. notified Evolus, Inc. (the “Company”) of his resignation as President and Chief Executigive.
Synlogic Announces Leadership Change
– Jose Carlos Gutiérrez-Ramos resigns as Synlogic’s President and Chief Executive Officer and member of its board of directors
The Board of Directors of SIA, meeting today under the chairmanship of Giuliano Asperti, has taken note of the resignation for personal reasons presented by Chief Executive Officer, Massimo Arrighetti, who will remain in office up to 15 June.
Sorry had already posted
The Minnesota Department of Health confirmed, Thursday, that it received notification from LeafLine Labs that co-founder Andrew Bachman was no longer its CEO.
Brent Finlay has retired as president and CEO of the Findlay Family YMCA, effective May 31.
Doug Albregts has resigned from Sharp to pursue a new opportunity.
*Tony O‘Brien
Washington Department of Licensing director Pat Kohler, resigns after controversy over info-sharing with immigration officials.
former Governor of Osun State, Mr Olagunsoye Oyinlola has resigned as Chairman of the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC). The resignation letter dated May 9, 2018, addressed to President Muhammadu Buhari, has been submitted to the Presidency.
Former Nationalist Party candidate and businessman Ivan Bartolo, who led the Nationalist business development plan, has left the party and has quit politics, he said in a Facebook post.
KATY, Texas - Katy ISD superintendent Lance Hindt said he plans to resign in January 2019.
MURALEE Siva has resigned from his position as chief executive officer from PNG Air.
Todd Rufo announced Thursday he will leave his post as the head of the Office of Economic and Workforce Development.
Elk Grove Mayor Steve Ly on May 9 announced that Laura Gill resigned as city manager.
ROCKFORD — Parents with children at Rockford Christian Schools were informed via email Thursday that the private school’s longtime superintendent Randy Taylor has resigned.
The deputy campaign manager and treasurer for Idaho Democratic gubernatorial candidate Paulette Jordan has resigned.
The Pulitzer Prize board has opened an independent review of sexual misconduct allegations against the award-winning novelist Junot Díaz, who is stepping down as chairman, the board said on Thursday.
Chuy’s Holdings Inc. CEO John Zapp, resigned Wednesday following his arrest late last month.
18 deaths now in the Congo (((Ebola)))
"The WHO is also awaiting a green light from DRC authorities to begin a vaccination campaign in the area, using an available stockpile of an experimental vaccine, he said."
Whose experimental vaccine? Who owns it?
NEW DELHI: Infosys independent director Ravi Venkatesan has stepped down from the board with immediate effect, the IT behemoth informed the stock exchanges in a statement on Friday evening.
Carlsberg has lost a member of its supervisory board, Nancy Cruickshank earlier this week.
Brian Baumgardner will be retiring from his position as chief executive officer of LewisGale Regional Health System.
GameStop CEO Michael Mauler Resigns for 'Personal Reasons'
AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson Says Michael Cohen Hiring Was ‘Big Mistake,’ Top D.C. Exec Bob Quinn Will Exit
VIENNA (REUTERS) - THE chief of inspections at the U.N. nuclear watchdog has resigned suddenly, the agency said on Friday without giving a reason.
The departure of Tero Varjoranta comes at a sensitive time, three days after the United States announced it was quitting world powers' nuclear accord with Iran, raising questions as to whether Tehran will continue to comply with it.
Ref Rodriguez, who faces felony and misdemeanor charges for political money laundering, resigned from the state teacher credentialing board.
DURANGO, Colo. (KRQE) - All the members of Durango's Salvation Army have resigned.
The Durango Herald reports, all 12 members quit Tuesday, calling for a boycott of the charity.
I really don't think much explanation has to go into this; however, what does need to be explained is the corporation from administration to administration not to red flag insider trading and other deals gained through IC collecting. Frankly, as this plot unfolds, I am disgusted how the American public was brainwashed into feeling guilty for the impoverished while these motherfuckers were stealing our donations, selling our national secrets, and buying junk military grade military materials for kickbacks. We need public shootings!
I really don't think much explanation has to go into this; however, what does need to be explained is the cooperation from administration to administration not to red flag insider trading and other deals gained through IC collecting. Frankly, as this plot unfolds, I am disgusted how the American public was brainwashed into feeling guilty for the impoverished while these motherfuckers were stealing our donations, selling our national secrets, and buying junk military grade materials for kickbacks. We need public shootings!
ArtsGreensboro President and CEO Thomas Philion will retire following this year's North Carolina Folk Festival.
Central 1 Credit Union announced today that Dan Blue, Chief Financial Officer, has left Central 1, effective May 10, 2018.
wrong thread
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already on the list
not added, just a professor, not high ranking enough imho
already on the list
wrong thread
wrong thread
absolutely wrong thread/website/…
already on the list
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wrong thread
already on the list
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wrong thread!
If you guys like, I can delete all 30 of his posts.
>The top White House official responsible for leading the U.S. response in the event of a deadly pandemic has left the administration, and the global health security team that he oversaw has been disbanded under a reorganization by national security adviser John Bolton.
>The abrupt departure of Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer from the National Security Council means no senior administration official is now focused solely on global health security.
<Ziemer's last day was Tuesday, the same day a new Ebola outbreak was declared in Congo. He is not being replaced.
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Ousted Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said on Saturday that he had resigned as president of United Malay National Organisation (UMNO) party, and chairman of the Barisan Nasional alliance, with immediate effect.
Hong Kong
Fred Zuliu Hu Resigns as HANG SENG BANK Director
Top White House official ( Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer from the National Security Council)
in charge of pandemic response, health security resigns abruptly
As part of a reorganization of the NSC by national security advisor John Bolton, health security officials have been let go.
A top U.S. State Department official resigned this week after President Donald Trump announced the United States is withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal, according to a report in the journal Foreign Policy.
The report says 38-year-old nuclear proliferation expert Richard Johnson resigned his position as acting assistant coordinator in the State Department's Office of Iran Nuclear Implementation, which had been involved in talks with Britain, France, Germany and other nations to salvage the deal that rewarded Iran for giving up much of its nuclear activities in trade for relief from economic sanctions.
Lieutenant-General Hunan Poghosyan, Armenia’s Deputy Police Chief, has resigned.
U.S. Attorney Larry Laurenzi celebrated as he retires after 36 years
Tesla’s Senior VP of engineering Doug Field takes a leave of absence
I am looking for people who have done business with SAFECO insurance and have been ripped off by this disgusting company. If u have done business with them please leave a review on google maps to there Boston, MA location. They are also headquartered in Seattle, WA at Safeco Plaza. The current reviews and complaints avail by searching are astronomical. These people are basically running a scam. THEY do NOT pay and cause unessary suffering and requests just to get paid. Please help if u have done business with them. These people do not respect there customers.
thanks fellow anons
thank again anons have a great day!
State Dept Resignation
Richard Johnson,
a career civil servant who served as acting assistant coordinator in State’s Office of Iran Nuclear Implementation, had been involved in talks with countries that sought to salvage the deal in recent weeks, including Britain, France, and Germany — an effort that ultimately failed.
'Richard Johnson'? dick johnson is hilariously redundant! He blew his wad…buh bye.
I wonder if "Richard Johnson" is John Kerry's "code name"? By the way, where is JK these days? Still in Iran trying to salvage the nuclear weapons crisis? How about HRC? Last we heard from her she was in Australia speaking badly about President Trump and the Iran Nuclear ordeal. It's like Americans are playing a deadly game of Chicken against our will. American Patriots (there are millions of us) are getting aggravated, and desperately need a bone with some meat on it! I can speak for millions of veterans who have served our country (I served for nearly 30 years) with honor that "soon", "MOAB", "Trust the Plan", etc. aren't cutting it. If you need older retired Patriots to rise up and help take back our country, just say the word and we'll be there! Has our dedicated and honorable service to our country been in vain? That would be the biggest MOAB of all..betrayal of those who have served and are currently serving to protect Americans and our allies. MAGA, WWG1WGA, All Gave Some, Some Gave All, For God and Country, So That Others May Live, Any Time, Any Place. - True American Patriot
January 9th 2018 RI Senator Doyle resigns citing alcohol issues
March 12th 2018 Coventry official resigns after profane social media posts
Feb 19, 2018 Affidavit: Sen. Kettle sent nude photos of girlfriend to married friend
Providence Schools Superintendent Dr. Susan Lusi today announced she will resign from her position at the end of this school year. The Providence School Board and Mayor Jorge O. Elorza will immediately begin a search for Lusi’s replacement. The daily operations and activities of Providence Schools will function without disruption during the search and transition to a new superintendent.
September 28th 2017 RI District Court Judge Rafael Ovalles tenders his resignation
December 4, 2017 NoLNGinPVD calls for the immediate resignation of CRMC Chair Cervenka
Passages: R.I. District Court Judge William C. Clifton
Not sure of the validity or the accuracy, but there are plenty of links in it if you have time to sort through them.
outgaing Malaysian PM Bars Nijab Razak has travel restrictions on him and his family, after losing in Wednesday's general election. Linked to missing ~$600 million US dollars from 1MDB fund.
Sauce NY times on restrictions……………
Thought I would post here because I can't post on Q Research (too many replies) today. He said to watch for companies in Iran post-deal.
did a google search for "companies in iran post-deal." Like the 3rd hit I came up with. Perhaps this bread baking is actually easy.
ODON — Crane Credit Union President/CEO Bob Downs has retired after a 29-year career at the Credit Union.
Companies just looking to profit, and hating sanctions. Personally, I have no problem with opening economies and feel for these companies, unless their CEOs are into adrenochrome.
Wrong thread Anon, this is Resignations ;)
who gives a fuck if its in wrong thread. this whole damn board is to advance a cause. stop deleting posts! wtf
JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — The executive director of the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency has resigned.
Multiple media outlets report Gov. Phil Bryant's director of communications, Clay Chandler, says Bryant accepted Lee Smithson's resignation Friday after being made aware of a situation he was involved in. At this time the nature of the "situation" has not been released.
A paid staffer working on former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Sue Bell Cobb's gubernatorial campaign resigned on Friday, one day after he was charged by authorities for violating the state's sex offender registration and notification act.
Cobb, on Saturday following a Democratic governor's forum in Mobile, told that she "accepted" the resignation of Paul Littlejohn III, who was released from prison in 2014 after serving 30 years for a rape and sodomy offense in 1984.
Matthew Schwall, a senior Tesla Inc. executive and the company’s main technical contact with U.S. safety investigators, has left the company for Alphabet Inc.’s Waymo, marking the second executive departure from Tesla in recent days.
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 10, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Stamper Oil & Gas Corp. (TSX-V:STMP) (FSE:TMP2) (OTCQB:STMGF) (“Stamper” or “the Company”) today announces the resignation of Dr. Waseem Rahman as a Director of Stamper effective immediately
BRIEF-Kestrel Gold Inc. Announces Resignation Of CFO BRENDAN REEVE
Top Fatah official Nasser al-Qudwa submitted his resignation from the Fatah Central Committee in protest against the results of events at the Palestinian National Council meeting April 30-May
On May 8, 2018, Dr. David Horn Solomon, resigned as Chief Executive Officer and as a member of the Board of Directors (“Board”) of Akari Therapeutics, Plc (the “Company”), effective immediately.
Nok Airlines Public Company Limited ("the Company") would like to inform that the Company has acknowledged the resignation of Mrs. Suphajee Suthumpun as the Independent Director, Member of the Audit Committee and Member of the Corporate Governance Committee effective from 1 May 2018.
A couple of notable French Resignations, I’ve translated that might not have been included;
Focus CEO Cédric Lagarrigue resigns
Bruno Bich, CEO of Bic, biros, razors
Jean Yves Charlier CEO of Groupe VEON, 27 March 2018,
Media; CEO of the Group La Provence, Claude Perrier resigns.
Just as Patriots in this country ask why interests of terrorists countries are more important than their our own national security interests, European patriots will raise big eyebrows why their leaders would not want to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons and work with its strongest ally in the world to accomplish peace the proper way in the ME. Take the German people for example, they are question Merkle's behavior daily. We don't know if her election wasn't fixed either like ours were here. Again, the most important thing to remember, the events are not taking place in a vacuum any longer and patriots of all countries are not impressed by their leaders cooperation with terrorist nations and the flood of terrorist ideology into their nations. Revolutions in the EU are a matter of time.
Lindsey Buckingham addresses firing from Fleetwood Mac for first time https://
False Flag event averted ?
The governor of the eastern Nangarhar province Mohammad Gulab Mangal has reportedly resigned from his position.
Confirm 5DOSI
Shadow Q
Judge Resigns
Suspended First District Judge Jarod M. Calkins, who is charged with five counts of prostitution, tendered his letter of resignation as judge in a letter dated Thursday.
Judge Stephen Brint Carlton formally announced his resignation at the meeting, a formality to follow up to the resignation letter he submitted on Friday. Commissioners Court acknowledged and accepted the resignation, however, Carlton will continue to act as Judge until an interim replacement is assigned. The interim would replace Carlton until December 31, 2018, when the newly-elected county judge will take office on January 1, 2019. The decision to assign an interim was tabled until next Tuesday, when it could be discussed among the commissioners under closed session.
Judge's resignation takes replacement choice out of voters' hands |
District Judge “Rudy” Delgado resigns
Federal investigators allege Delgado, 65, accepted approximately $6,000 in cash bribes from a local attorney between November 2016 and January 2018 in exchange for setting bond for three clients accused of violating probation.
Tarrant County judge pleads guilty, resigns after using fake signatures to get on ballot
Read more here:
Former Judge Kevin Ryan resigns from Ethics Commission, new commissioner appointed
Pearl judge who denied mother access to her baby resigns; youth court closed
Judge Resigns After Berating Sick Inmate Who Died Days Later
NY Court Atty Resigns After Giving Advice To Hubby's Client
5/8 Timberwolves assistant coach Rick Brunson resigns amid accusations of improper conduct toward women
4/29 Quakertown school board member resigns amid DA investigation
Drug officer resigns over alleged affair with ex-con
4/25 Fisher County sheriff resigns after complaints, failure to serve warrants Fisher County sheriff resigns after complaints, failure to serve warrants
5/8 Rocky Hill Mayor Steps Down To Accept Malloy Judge Appointment
5/7 Syracuse parks chief resigns after 'foolish' $5,400 theft: 'I fell on hard times'
5/2 Puerto Rico govt official resigns amid corruption probe
4/17 Judge resigns after delivering verdict, cites personal reasons
4/16 Indian anti-terror judge resigns after freeing 5 men in mosque blast case
5/10 Detective Chastised Over 2000 Homicide Investigation Resigns
4/17 Mecca Masjid case judge resigns after verdict
5/4 LSU police officer resigns, four disciplined over "inappropriate" comments, spokesman says
4/27 Rep. Larry Phillips to step down from the Texas House on Monday The Sherman Republican will step down April 30.
May 14 (Reuters) - Commonwealth Bank of Australia said on Monday that Chief Financial Officer Rob Jesudason resigned.
The appointment of Mr. Fry follows the resignation today of Mr Noel Halgreen as a Non-Executive director and the departure of Mr. Rod Sainty as Managing Director and as a Director of the Company. The Company thanks Noel and Rod for their service to Winmar, and wishes them well in their future endeavours.
Bit of an overhaul here…
Blue Sky director resigns
A non-executive director on Blue Sky's board resigned from his position.
Michael Gordon said his resignation from Blue Sky's board was for health reasons.
On behalf of the Blue Sky board, I would like to thank Michael for his strong contribution and we wish him well," Blue Sky chair John Kain said.
Kain himself will step down from his role at the company's annual general meeting as part of an overhaul of the company's business model and structure.
Any executive directors other than interim managing director Kim Morison will also be replaced. This includes chief investment officer Alex McNab, who retires effective immediately.
PARIS (Reuters) - Airbus finance chief Harald Wilhelm will leave the European planemaker in 2019,
OKEx Chief Executive Officer Chris Lee resigned, leaving the Hong Kong-based cryptocurrency exchange just as it became the world’s largest by reported turnover.
KUALA LUMPUR: Federal Land Development Authority (Felda) chairman Tan Sri Shahrir Samad is said to have stepped down from his post on Monday.
Sri Lanka Rupavahini Chairman Corporation Chairman Ravi Jayawardena has resigned from his position.
Jayawardena, formerly an ally of Maduluwawe Sobhitha Thera, was appointed the Chairman of the SLRC, a short while ago.
PETALING JAYA - Tan Sri Dzulkifli Ahmad (pic) has resigned as chief commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.
ZAGREB (Reuters) - Croatia’s Deputy Prime Minister Martina Dalic resigned on Monday under pressure from opposition groups who said she faced a conflict of interest over her handling of a restructure for the largest firm in the Balkans, Agrokor [AGROK.UK].
Mr Dean Subramanianhas CFO and Executive Director has resigned from ArcelorMittal, South Africa with effect from 31July 2018.
Today, TDC A/S announces that Group CEO and President Pernille Erenbjerg will resign as Group CEO and President no later than 31. December 2018.
Columbia-based W.R. Grace announced that is searching for a new CFO after the resignation of Thomas E. Blaser.
Reuters) - Two co-heads of Goldman Sachs’ (GS.N) securities division - Isabelle Ealet and Pablo Salame - will retire next month after 20-year stints at the Wall Street bank, according to an internal memo seen by Reuters.
Airbus finance chief becomes latest executive to quit group
Mr Wilhelm, who has been with Airbus or its predecessor companies for 27 years, gave no reason for his decision to leave. He is understood to have informed the board of his decision at the weekend. “After 18 years at the Airbus finance function, next year will be the right time for me to move on,” he said. “Until then, I remain committed to the performance of the company and I will work with the management to ensure a smooth transition to the next Airbus CFO.”
Wow, big manipulators of markets
Please DO NOT let this happen!
Dig into their code. Its not all it seems.
Love you all. God Bless.
More Resignations at Wynn Resorts
John J. Hagenbuch will no longer stand for re-election to the board. Also, another longtime director, Robert J. Miller, tendered his resignation.
The Erie Regional Airport Authority Executive Director George Doughty resigned from the Board of Directors. He submitted a letter of resignation “for personal” reasons on Thursday, according to a statement.
HOLLAND — Linda LeFebre has resigned as executive director of the Macatawa Area Express.
….LeFebre had been on paid leave during two simultaneous investigations of embezzlement — one by MAX and the other by the Holland Police Department — since March.
NASA Johnson Space Center director Ellen Ochoa retires.
DHS Sec stepping down
/\ she hasnt submitted yet, but will. You dont tell President Trump you are quitting but dont.
Reuters) - Land Securities (LAND.L), Britain’s largest listed property developer ….named Cressida Hogg as new chairwoman.
Hogg will succeed well-known business personality Dame Alison Carnwath, who will retire on July 12. Hogg will be one of a handful of women at the helm of an FTSE 100 company board.
LONDON (Reuters) - Vodafone Chief Executive Vittorio Colao will step down in October….
Barclays Africa’s deputy CEO David Hodnett resigns
By Africa News Team - May 15, 201823
BAHRAIN: ….Peter Ford….Former British Ambassador Resigns from Advisory Post to the …… the Royal Charity Organisation of Bahrain
MAY 14, 2018
Barb Strehmann, chief financial officer at Burr Ridge, Illinois-based Agent Support Network of America (ASNOA), has retired.
JOHANNESBURG, May 15 – State-owned defense equipment company Denel said on Tuesday it had accepted the resignation of group chief executive officer Zwelakhe Ntshepe, with immediate effect.
Head of the conservative thank tank American Enterprise Institute Arthur Brooks announced recently he is stepping down.
Veteran Warner Bros. Pictures executive Veronika Kwan Vandenberg is stepping down as president of international distribution, the studio announced Monday.
Josh Reich, CEO of online bank Simple, is leaving the company he co-founded in 2009.
Leading biotech investor Beth Seidenberg will step down from her role at Kleiner Perkins.
Ted Eliopoulos, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System’s chief investment officer for the past four years, said he will step down at the end of the year.
New GameStop CEO Michael Mauler Quits After Only Three Months
BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Darryl De Sousa has resigned as Baltimore Police Commissioner after being charged with failure to file his taxes.
BRATISLAVA (Reuters) - Slovakia’s President Andrej Kiska said on Tuesday he would not seek a second term in a presidential election in 2019 because of the “burden” posed by his involvement in political crisis which erupted after the murder of an investigative journalist.
Cheryl Collins, announced on Friday that would stepping down as CEO at Ninkasi Brewing and leaving the company effective June 18th.
Jürgen Stein steps down as SolarWorld Americas CEO.
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not added - but good catch!
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MIAMI: Manny Ruiz, founder of Hispanicize Media Group and its annual Hispanicize media event, is stepping down to start a new business.
On May 4, Jean-Marc Janaillac, Air France-KLMchief executive, resigned after its workers voted against a pay rise of 7 percent
Peterson Zah, former Navajo Nation president and staff assistant/ambassador for President Russell Begaye, resigned his position effective this Friday.
Another day, another exit from The Weinstein Company, which has gone through scandal and now bankruptcy. Nicole Quenqua has exited the company after seven years. She served most recently as head of publicity and has held the post during the most tumultuous years in the company’s history, with the Harvey Weinstein scandal and subsequent financial struggles.
Today, Vicki Saporta, National Abortion Federation (NAF) President and CEO for the past 23 years, announced her plans to retire in June 2019.
Malaysian Bulk Carriers’s CEO Kuok Khoon Kuan, retires, appoints Hor Weng Yew
TheEdge Mon, May 14, 2018
KUALA LUMPUR, (May 14): Malayan Banking Bhd CEO Datuk Lim Hong Tat retiring
ANTIGUA (CNS)-Asot Michael, the Parliamentary Representative of St Peter’s, has announced that he has submitted a letter of resignation as a Minister to Prime Minister Gaston Browne, effective from May 15, 2018. He apparently decided to step down as a result of UK court hearings over alleged bribery in Caribbean contracts, something in which he claims he has had no part.
The environment minister of Germany's most populous state, North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) stepped down on Tuesday, citing safety concerns for herself and her family. Christine Schulze Föcking, 41, has received multiple threats due to allegations her family's industrial farm abuses animals.
Media Prima Bhd has announced Mohd Ashraf Abdullah will end his tenure as group managing editor of news and current affairs at Media Prima Television Networks (MPTN), effective May 20, 2018.
CEO Brad Antle has decided to transition out of the company, Salient CRGT said
San Francisco Board of Supervisors to not reappoint two commissioners, Joe Marshall and Sonia Melara.
<iframe width="476" height="267" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Inter-American court confirms resignation of Judge Roberto F. Caldas [FOTOS] world
MAY 16, 2018
Novartis top lawyer exits in wake of Trump attorney deal
John Miller
ZURICH (Reuters) - Novartis (NOVN.S) General Counsel Felix Ehrat will leave the Swiss drugmaker over his role in a $1.2 million contract it struck with the personal lawyer for U.S. President Donald Trump, saying on Wednesday the pact was legal but an error.
After more than seven years at the helm, Careerforce chief executive Ray Lind has announced his resignation.
Louis Audet to resign as Cogeco CEO, will remain with cable, broadcasting company.
Metals miner Mandalay Resources Corp (TSE:MND) said chief operating officer Dominic Duffy has become the group's chief executive, after Dr Mark Sander resigned.
Bill Whitacre, the chief executive of US-based agri-food giant J.R. Simplot, is to retire in August.
WASHINGTON, May 16, 2018 /PRNewswire/ – Jerry Giovaniello, long-time senior vice president and chief lobbyist at the National Association of Realtors® will retire at the end of this year.
State-run lender Allahabad Bank has decided to relieve its managing director and chief executive officer Usha Ananthasubramanian of her powers after she was named in the first information report filed by the Central Bureau of Investigation in the ₹13,800-crore Nirav Modi scam that defrauded Punjab National Bank (PNB).
Not sure if this fits?
For months, a debate has raged inside Google, following the company’s decision to help the U.S. Department of Defense analyze video footage gathered by military drones. Several thousand Google employees signed an internal petition to CEO Sundar Pichai opposing the project, and now, around a dozen have quit, Gizmodo reports.
LONDON (Reuters) - Oxfam Great Britain chief executive Mark Goldring, who was criticised for his handling of a scandal over the use of prostitutes in Haiti by Oxfam staff, will stand down at the end of the year, the organisation said on Wednesday.
Chris Lee, OKEx CEO, left the company after its period of unprecedented growth, saying that he wishes to spend a brief period with his family.
by Miguel Gomez, 16 May
May 14 18
Hostelworld Group Plc announced that, after 16 years with the Group and 10 years as Chief Executive Officer, Feargal Mooney will step down as CEO and director effective 11th June
After just one year, EarthX CEO Steven Kornajcik has tendered has resignation with the organization.
PETER SIMEK MAY 15, 2018 3:06 PM
Edward R Hamberger President and CEO of the Association of American Railroads ( AAR) has announced his upcoming retirement … in early 2019
Lachlan Murdoch to replace brother James as Fox CEO after Disney deal.
Chief Executive Officer James Murdoch will leave the company and be succeeded by brother Lachlan once the company sells off its TV and film assets to Walt Disney Co (DIS.N).
Weston Resigns From GSP
Has been at the airport since 1999
Novartis General Counsel Resigns Over Deal With Trump Lawyer
Novartis says its top lawyer is retiring over the Swiss pharmaceuticals company's relationship with a firm owned by U.S. President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen.
LePage's OPM Director Resigns, Office Dismantled
The director of the LePage administration's Office of Policy and Management has resigned and all but one member of the office has been reassigned to other state agencies.
Quincy College President Resigns Amid Tumult Over Nursing
Armed deputy at Florida school resigns after failing to engage shooter
FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida - The armed deputy assigned to the campus of a Florida high school during a deadly shooting last week stayed outside the building during the attack and failed to engage the shooter, the county sheriff said on Thursday.
As a consequence, Scott Peterson, on duty as the school resource officer at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, resigned from the department, said Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, who earlier has suspended the officer from the force. He did not say if Peterson would face criminal charges.
Israel said he decided to suspend Peterson after viewing a video that showed the deputy's actions during the rampage that killed 17 people. A former student Nikolas Cruz, 19, is accused of carrying out the attack with an AR-15-style assault weapon.
“What I saw was a deputy arrive at the west side of Building 12, take up a position and he never went in,” said Israel. The building is popularly known as "the freshman building."
Israel said he would not release the video that shows Peterson’s actions at this time and may never do so, “depending on the prosecution and criminal case.”
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not added, thats a transition
not sure if high ranking enough - just a minister of a german state…
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good catch, but not high ranking enough i guess
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Kevin Mansell, Kohl's CEO, president and chairman, retired on Wednesday at the annual shareholders meeting.
Broomfield-based CraftWorks Restaurants & Breweries Group Inc. CEO Srinivas Kumar has resigned, according to a company news release.
Julie Stewart, the chief of staff for United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz, is leaving the company for a competitor, the Chicago Business Journal has learned.
Jim Moroney, who put The News on a digital path, reflects on efforts to sustain local journalism as he steps down from CEO role
Moroney, who stepped down in March as the seventh publisher of The News, on Thursday relinquishes the titles of chairman, president and chief executive of Dallas-based A. H. Belo Corporation, the news organization’s parent. He has held the corporate positions since 2013.
Today, BRAD MARTIN is announcing that he will retire as CEO of Penguin Random House Canada, effective June 30, 2018,
Missguided’s CEO of online Gareth Jones has left the business after just eight months.
The "Israel Hayom" daily today announced that publisher Asher Baharav and CEO Zippi Koren, both of whom have been in their positions since the free newspaper was founded over a decade ago, will be leaving the paper.
Acton was very critical of Facebook before resigning as Whatsapp CEO
Upon further research, they were anonymous and it's as meaningful as 100 leaving the Republican party for one of Trump's cabinet appointments. They didn't actually appear to hold any actual power like the rest of the executives in this list which is also one of the reasons they resigned.
CEO of Groupe BPCE (France's fourth largest bank) resigned April 28th. He's going back to Rothschild & Co SCA to work with Alexandre de Rothschild.
Uber’s Product Chief Jeff Holden Is Leaving Company
Susan Neely is leaving her role as president and CEO of the American Beverage Association to helm the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI).
United Airlines Chief Financial Officer Andrew Levy has resigned and is leaving the company. The carrier will "immediately" begin a search for a permanent replacement, the airline said Thursday.
Launch Tennessee CEO Charlie Brock is returning to the private sector.
The CEO of Katy-based Academy Ltd., one of the largest sports retailers in the U.S., has stepped down and a new chief executive has been named.
J.K. Symancyk is departing Academy to “pursue another opportunity” after starting with the company in November 2015, according to a press release.
Gene Austin, the CEO of US-based word-of-mouth specialist Bazaarvoice, has left the business to 'pursue other interests', three months after the company was acquired by Marlin Equity Partners.
A Democratic mayor from Pennsylvania has resigned nearly a month after he was arrested for allegedly soliciting a woman for sex — a woman who turned out to be a police informant.
Bloomsburg Mayor Eric Bower, 36, initially claimed the accusations were made up because of his “political position.”
Former White House Counsel Bob Bauer Exits Perkins Cole>>1452994
Pennsylvania Democrat Bloomsburg Mayor Eric Bower resigns after allegedly soliciting 'police informant' for sex
May 18 (Reuters) - Ophir Energy Chief Executive Officer Nicholas Cooper will step down with immediate effect, the Asia- and Africa-focused oil producer said on Friday.
Campbell Soup CEO Denise Morrison retires abruptly
Wells Fargo reportedly altered customer docs; exec retires
Wells Fargo announced the retirement of Ed Blakey, a 34-year company veteran and head of its commercial capital business.
Dr. John Flores announced his retirement as CEO / Executive Director from the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) effective July 1, 2018 at its recent annual national conference in Indianapolis, IN.
CEO of French aerospace company Zodiac Aerospace resigned effective June 16th, 2017.
French telecom company Point Service Mobiles founder Martien Bocquillon resigned as CEO on 8/12/2017
CEO of French investment company Wendel resigned September 7th 2017
VATICAN CITY (AP) — In the biggest shake-up yet in the Catholic Church's long-running sex abuse scandal, every active Chilean bishop offered to resign Friday over what Pope Francis said was their "grave negligence" in investigating abuse and protecting children.
The bishops announced at the end of an emergency Vatican summit that all 31 active bishops in Rome had signed a document offering to resign.
Francis can accept the resignations, reject them or delay a decision, and the bishops remain in place until he acts. But the symbolic significance of an entire national bishops' conference resigning en masse because they covered-up for pedophiles marked a historic moment in the decades-long saga.
To be confirmed though I suppose as Resignations need to be accepted
WASHINGTON — Mark Inch, the director of the embattled federal Bureau of Prisons, abruptly announced his resignation Friday, three people with knowledge of the matter said.
West Covina's mayor has resigned his position following allegations of drug use.
In a surprise announcement Thursday evening, Mike Spence told city leaders that he would step down from the largely ceremonial role on June 1. Members of the City Council later voted to make his resignation effective immediately.
Deb Sandry Powers has stepped down from her role as CEO of the River Music Experience, or RME.
(Reuters) - Russian sanctions-hit businessman Oleg Deripaska has resigned from the board of directors of Russia's En+, the company said on Friday, in a move that could help alleviate sanctions pressure on the firm.
Tom Skrobola, the management services director and chief financial officer, has worked for the city of Kalamazoo since 2008. The city manager's office announced Skrobola's resignation Tuesday, May 15.
Jack Lessenberry resigns from Metro Times following suspension….. ( accusations of inappropriate behavior involving female colleagues and students at Wayne State University’s journalism program. )
The Nashville LGBT Chamber is gearing up for a leadership change.
Lisa Howe, the chamber's CEO, is stepping down after six years in the role, according to a news release. Howe will stay in her role until August while the chamber's board conducts a nationwide search for her replacement.
Qi Lu steps down as Baidu COO
MALONE — Barbara Rice has resigned as legislator representing Franklin County’s District 7 and also has left the board of the state Adirondack Park Agency Board of Commissioners.
Rhonda Faehn, women’s program head, ‘no longer with USA Gymnastics’
Paul Finch, the CEO of Early Warning Services, which launched P2P payment network Zelle last year, announced that he will leave the company in 2019.
(Reuters) - Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein is expected to step down by December, the New York Times reported on Friday, citing people familiar with the bank’s plan.
former White House Counsel to President Obama, will be leaving Perkins Coie after more than 35 years with the firm to devote more time to his teaching at New York University School of Law and his writing and speaking on contemporary topics in constitutional law, legal ethics and political reform. Bauer will maintain his representation of a number of key clients in an individual, solo capacity and will co-counsel with Perkins Coie on a number of those representations.
From Q research thread:
After founding CrossFirst Bank in 2007 and growing it from scratch into the third largest bank based in Kansas City, Ron Baldwin is stepping down as chairman.
MARTINSVILLE-After 44 years, George W. Lester II is retiring as CEO of the The Lester Group, company officials announced on Friday.
Helen Munter, director of registration and inspections at the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, plans to leave the PCAOB at the end of May.
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already on the list
Founder of Vatican anti-trafficking group resigns as head of UK slavery commission
Kevin Hyland - Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner
Newton Terer has resigned from his position as Chief Executive Officer of the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB).
Philippines advertising stalwart Jose Carlo Consunji has stepped down as the boss of Campaigns & Grey.
Beef Australia CEO steps down after 15 years
21 May 2018
Blair Angus will focus on his business and plans for a new $30M cattle processing facility at Clermont, which is under consideration for NAIF funding
MAY 21, 2018 / 9:36 AM / UPDATED 28 MINUTES AGO
Three directors quit India's Fortis Healthcare board amid takeover battle
Reuters Staff
MUMBAI (Reuters) - Three directors of India’s Fortis Healthcare (FOHE.NS)….. Harpal Singh, Tejinder Singh Shergill and Sabina Vaisoha — resigned on Sunday citing personal reasons, Fortis said in separate statements.
Monday 21 May 2018 | 11:03 CET | News
Polish operator Netia has announced changes in its management. On 18 May, Katarzyna Iwuc resigned from her position as CEO and Director General. At the same time, Stefan Radziminski resigned from his position of CTO. Neither of the management board members provided reasons for their resignations.
Square paid $8 million for a super star tech lawyer, ….Hillary Smith ….then she stepped down after 16 months on the job.
SUMMIT, NJ - Bridges Outreach, Inc. Executive Director Lois Bhatt and Deputy Executive Director Bethany Tulloch have announced their retirement and, effective May 29..
By Shelby White, May 21, 2018 at 8:36 AM
PeoplesBank CFO and Executive Vice President Charles Field will be ending his tenure with the company at the end of the month.
STV’s chief technology and platforms officer Alistair Brown has given notice of his intention to quit at the end of June.
Finnair CEO resigns
Posted by: Howard Jarvis in People 21. May 2018
Chief executive officer Pekka Vauramo leaves the airline to join a Finnish machinery company.
Ooops Already added methinks?
CTS Corporation : Announces Retirement of Director Walter Catlow
LONDON (Reuters) - Former London mayor Ken Livingstone resigned from Britain's opposition Labour Party on Monday, saying that a row over anti-Semitism allegations against him had become a distraction for the party's leadership.
Licensed to ill
Big Review TV, the subsidiary of ASX listed online video company Big Un Ltd….
chief executive Richard Evertz has (also)resigned…
Stuart Weitzman Creative Director,GIOVANNI MORELLI Steps Down; ‘Behavior Fell Short’ of Company Standards…
SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, N.Y., has placed Sergio Garcia, its chief of staff, on leave after a report from the Albany Times-Union revealed he had fabricated multiple stories about his past, including a tale of an escaped car bombing in Afghanistan, according to
Phil Penzel, president and CEO of Penzel Construction Co. in Jackson…. resigned his position on the board Monday, has been an alderman for 12 years.
Michael Langley to retire as CEO of Greater MSP
Reuters) - British retailer DFS Furniture said on Tuesday its Chief Executive Officer Ian Filby will retire after eight years at the helm…
Woolworths Holdings, the owner of up-market department store David Jones, has announced the shock departure of the chief executive of its Australian operations, John Dixon, after only one year in his role and just two years after leaving British retailer Marks & Spencer to lead the retailer.
Thanks for that link - helpful! :)
Martin Bennett …. chief executive of Walsall-headquartered household repairs business HomeServe UK is to step down, it has been confirmed.
The founder and CEO of fetish specialist, Peter Acworth, will step down and focus on real estate investments
Following a long-running media saga, recent reports reveal Big Un Limited Chief Executive, Richard Evertz, has resigned.
AlphaNet President and CEO Robert C. Barrett has announced his retirement after 20 years at the helm of the innovative not-for-profit organization.
JCPenney CEO Marvin Ellison resigns
By Sara Shayanian
May 22, 2018 at 10:21 AM
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please contact me via the google doc
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added, thx - fantastic finding! post this on other threads as well, please!
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NYSE boss Tom Farley …. who has served as president of the New York Stock Exchange since 2014, is leaving….
(CEO) Bill Jacobson co-founded Workbar in 2009, a year before WeWork was started in New York. Now he'll hand over the reigns to an executive who joined the firm as head of business development on December.
The Bermuda Business Development Agency (BDA) has revealed that chief executive officer Ross Webber has stepped down from his position, effective May 17.
(Reuters) - British wealth manager St. James’s Place (SJP.L) said on Wednesday its Chairwoman Sarah Bates has decided to retire and will be succeeded by Senior Independent Director Iain Cornish.
Have been on the site - v useful ty. But whereabouts do I contact you? Sorry not a tech fat at all
*fag lol but dieting too ;)
Philip Wilson, an archbishop in Australia convicted of concealing child sexual abuse will step down from his position.
Rockwell Medical Announces that the Company's President and Chief Executive Officer, Robert Chioini, has been terminated from his positions, effective immediately.
Ayer Holdings Says Eugene Khoo Kong Hooi Resigns As CEO
U.S. Marshal in Chicago, Edward L. Gilmore
CEO Chet Burrell retires June 30 from CareFirst
BRIEF-Hospital Corporation Of China Says Zhang Xiaopeng Resigns As Executive Director & CEO
Jane Keller, president and CEO of the Cincinnati Youth Collaborative, will retire at the end of 2018 after holding the position for 12 years.
Bruce Rosenblum Exits As Disney-ABC TV Group President Of Business Operations
CenturyLink CEO Glynn Post retires.
By Amy Stankiewicz | May 23, 2018
Senvion‘s Chief Executive Officer Jürgen Geißinger is stepping down with the Board’s agreement
Rusal CEO ..Alexandra Bouriko….quit as company warns on debt payments.
Executive directors Vladislav Soloviev and Siegfried Wolf, and non-executive directors Maxim Sokov, Dmitry Afanasiev, Gulzhan Moldazhanova, Olga Mashkovskaya and Ekaterina Nikitina had also tendered their resignation as directors with effect from June 28, it said in a filing to the Hong Kong bourse.
OTTAWA — The CEO of the Royal Canadian Mint has abruptly declared she is leaving her post later this summer ….In a statement, Sandra Hanington says as of July 1, she will resign from her role as chief executive of the Crown corporation ….
CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. - Alex MacBeath says he resigned as chairman of Health P.E.I.’s board of directors over concerns with a new governance model for the provincial health authority announced late last week.
All board directors, including MacBeath, handed in a collective letter of resignation Tuesday, leaving the province looking to temporarily plug the hole with a trustee.
A prominent Southern Baptist Church leader who is known to have made inappropriate comments about abuse and women’s bodies was removed from his position early Wednesday after thousands of evangelical women signed a petition calling for his ouster.
Paige Patterson, formerly the head of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, was demoted to president emeritus of the church after a 13-hour board meeting on Tuesday, according to a statement.
The group editor and a director of Ireland's biggest newspaper group are to depart their posts.
Stephen Rae, Group editor-in-chief of Independent News and Media (INM), is to stand down from his position.
His departure was made known this morning but the company has not made any public comment yet.
Also, Mr Paul Connolly is stepping down as a Director of the company with effect from May 31, 2018.
Marcus Leaver has resigned as chief executive from the Quarto Group with immediate effect.
Chevron Lubricants Lanka PLC’s long-standing Managing Director/CEO Kishu Gomes has resigned from the company with immediate effect. In the announcement on Wednesday, the company gave no reason for this development.
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Debra Lee Resigns as BET Networks Chairman/CEO
Daily Beast Top Editor John Avlon Exits to Join CNN Full Time
Mozilla co-founder Robert Eich resigns after furor over his support of Prop. 8 (via Raw Story )
PITTSBURGH — Power management company Eaton announced …. Bill VanLandingham, is retiring ….as President ….
More Rusal Resignations:
In a statement issued in Hong Kong, where it is listed, Rusal said Oleg Deripaska, a non-executive director of the company, had stepped down as director.
That came a day after the chief executive and seven board members quit, also in a move to distance the firm from Deripaska and his associates.
President and CEO of Burnsville-based Firefly Credit Union, Bill Raker, will retire from his post in December, rounding out his 32nd year with the credit union.
Today it is announced that John Higham is retiring as Nakama Deputy Chairman with immediate effect.
Change of command at NORAD
Mattis thanked the families of outgoing NORAD and Northcom commander, Air Force Gen. Lori J. Robinson, and the incoming chief, Air Force Gen. Terrence J. O'Shaughnessy.
Cyber-security software group Defenx said Friday that Alessandro Poerio, Chief Executive Officer, had tendered his resignation and would leave the company on 31 May 2018.
Tasracing are on the hunt for a new CEO following the resignation of Vaughn Lynch due to personal reasons.
Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity CEO Sue Haigh retires in June after 13 years on the job
Chris Lischewski has stepped down as CEO of Bumble Bee Foods..,
Mortgage financier Housing Finance (HF) is set to embark on a hunt for a new Group Managing Director (GMD) after its current boss Frank Ireri opted not to renew his contract paving way for the recruitment of a new manager.
YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar’s Finance Minister Kyaw Win has resigned, President Win Myint said on Friday, weeks after local media first reported he was under investigation for alleged corruption.
Yevgeny Roizman, an opposition politician who was elected mayor in 2013 after beating a Kremlin-backed opponent at the ballot box, tendered his resignation on Tuesday after regional lawmakers voted to scrap direct elections.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The president of the University of Southern California has agreed to step down amid a raging sex scandal involving a university gynecologist who is accused of conducting inappropriate exams for decades, the chairman of the school's board of trustees said Friday……
The letter did not say when C.L. Max Nikias would leave his post.
Embattled Pittsfield judge Thomas H. Estes tendered his resignation Friday, one day after the state’s highest court ordered an indefinite suspension for the jurist, who admitted to having sex with a clinician who worked in his court.
State Rep. Ken Rizer, a Marion Republican who isn't seeking re-election this fall, has resigned from the Iowa House, effective Friday, because he has accepted a new job flying jet aircraft out of Des Moines for a private air travel company.
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — The North Dakota Republican Party is looking for a new executive director.
GOP Chairman Rick Berg says in a letter Friday to party faithful that Dane Ferguson is resigning "to pursue business and family opportunities”.
The Southern Baptist pastor who joked about fellow Southern Baptists raping a donkey has resigned from his leadership role with Connect 316.Rick Patrick, pastor at First Baptist Church in Sylacauga, Alabama, has apologized and announced in a blog post Wednesday on SBC Today that he has turned over responsibilities of the ministry to new leadership.
A longtime evangelism professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina, … Alvin Reid….has resigned from the school and stepped down from a pastoral role at his church, citing "personal and spiritual issues."
MILWAUKEE — Marquette University reported on Friday, May 25 that Paul Mascari has resigned as Chief of the Marquette University Police Department.
The tumult at Our Revolution continued raging with the resignation of another founding board member late Wednesday.
The decision by Catalina Velasquez, an undocumented immigrant and transgender activist who was co-vice chair of the Bernie Sanders-inspired organization, came during a week of reverberations in the wake of a POLITICO report detailing widespread problems within the group.
Mauldin City Administrator Trey Eubanks has resigned, the city announced Wednesday afternoon.
A prosecutor in the Orange-Osceola County State Attorney’s Office has abruptly resigned.
Mark Interlicchio helped convict Isleworth millionaire Bob Ward of manslaughter for a second time in February, for the death of his wife, Diane Ward, in 2009.
Republican Minnesota Senate President and Lt. Gov. Michelle Fischbach resigned her Senate seat Friday, putting that chamber up for grabs of party control in November’s General Election.
Taiwan's Foreign Minister Joseph Wu Thursday tendered his resignation after Burkina Faso announced it was breaking diplomatic ties with the island.
May 25 (UPI) – The former commanding officer of the USS John S. McCain pleaded guilty Friday to dereliction of duty for a crash in 2017 that killed 10 sailors.
Under the plea deal, Navy Cmdr. Alfredo Sanchez was issued a punitive letter of reprimand and was ordered to forfeit $6,000 in wages. Sanchez also agreed to submit a letter of resignation.
LOS ANGELES — After four years in the job and two months of intense speculation about his employment status, Philippe Vergne has confirmed that he is leaving his post as director of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, according to a statement …
Massachusetts Judge Quits After Suspension for Sexual Acts at Courthouse
Solomon: Finance Director Keiser Resigns, Budget will Proceed https://
Avedisian: It's 'bittersweet' to step down as Warwick mayor http://
RHODE ISLAND Ferguson resigns as DHS director; Almond names Jane Hayward as successor https://
disregard wrong pasta
Pope Francis accepted the resignations of two Venezuelan bishops for reasons of age and appointed their successors.
Seven trustees from the board of the DuSable Museum of African American History have resigned, including Chance the Rapper and his father Ken Bennett.
Other departures from the board included Eric Whitaker, Wilbur Milhouse, Kimberly McCullough-Starks and Michael Gibson. Board Chair Joyce Johnson-Miller has also resigned, but will stay until July 6. The resignations make up one-third of the museum’s board..
Kunsthalle Wien director Nicolaus Schafhausen has reached an agreement with the city of Vienna for the early dissolution of his contract. Citing the “resurgence of nationalist politics in Austria,” the museum professional announced that he will step down from his post in March 2019, three years before his tenure is supposed to end.
Colleen Yates, Labor's candidate for the WA state seat of Darling Range, has pulled out of the by-election race after questions were raised about her LinkedIn profile and education history.
Chukuka S. Enwemeka ….San Diego State University’s provost resigned from his position suddenly this week, and both he and the university have declined comment as to why.
After 15 years of serving the community of Moose Jaw as both mayor and councillor, Don Mitchell will be stepping down as an elected official.
Cell C chief financial officer Tyrone Soondarjee is stepping down at the end of the month, less than a year after joining the mobile operator..
Braam van Huyssteen, the founder and chairman of Tekkie Town, has resigned from his role as chairman of Steinhoff Africa Retail’s (Star) Property division with immediate effect.
Rancagua Bishop Alejandro Goic…The president of the Chilean Catholic Church's Commission for the Prevention of Abuses has resigned after acknowledging he was slow to investigate allegations of misconduct in his diocese.
I am waiting to see something. Q is just somebody that i used to know. Prove me wrong Q. I want to believe but when Obama is hired on netflix and hillary is talking about being facebook ceo nothing "important" is happening.
Becca Nelson has stepped down as chair of the ASUCD Gender and Sexuality Commision .
Professor Anil Gupta steps down as Executive Vice-Chairman of National Innovation Foundation
Chief Executive Yves de Kerdrel is leaving the Weekly “Valeurs actuelles” magazine.
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Its hoppening!
Longtime Colorado Avalanche broadcaster Mike Haynes has resigned from Altitude Sports, according to BSN Denver.
Tim Sweet steps down as board chairman at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.
Brian Dawkins steps down from full-time role with Eagles front office
Newly elected Italian PM.. Giuseppe Conte ..
RESIGNS after President vetoes anti-EU Minister facing now IMPEACHMENT calls
Suzanna de Baca The president of Iowa’s Planned Parenthood chapter will step down as the organization prepares to join a larger chapter based in Minnesota, the agency announced Tuesday.
Axel Heitmann, who had been one of four Sulzer directors tied to billionaire Vekselberg’s investment company Renova, submitted his resignation to correspond with the Russian’s new status as a minority shareholder, Sulzer said.
Burma’s Finance Minister Kyaw Win has resigned, President Win Myint said on Friday, weeks after local media first reported he was under investigation for alleged corruption.
Big in India- State of Odisha
Lok Sabha MP Baijayant Panda resigns from Biju Janata Dal Party
Prafulla Das
BHUBANESWAR 28 May 2018 13:53 IST
Horacio Cartes Resigned As President Of Paraguay to become an "Active Senator"
Senate will decide whether or not to accept his resignation.
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already on the list
yep, very old… 2001
not added… they have to resign with an age of 75…
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already on the list
added, thx. please dont forget: we need english sources
RICHMOND — Rep. Thomas Garrett (R-Va.) announced Monday that he is struggling with alcoholism and will abandon his run for a second term in Congress so he can focus on recovery and his family.
Garrett, a member of the conservative Freedom Caucus, is the 44th Republican to retire or announce they will not seek reelection to the House this year, according to CNN’s retirement tracker. Many are leaving in anticipation of a strong Democratic performance in Congressional races this fall and out of frustration with partisan politics in Washington.
Taunting Q? BAD IDEA…. Stay together. This board has been invaded?
you cant taunt a Q. i am a bigger patriot than you can imagine anon and demanding arrests now. we have 1-2 terms to fix what we can and then it is done. Q will not matter when trump is gone and corruptable soyboys will take back over and crush any resistance. (see turkey coup) . so we dont have 20 years. we have now. we are living the good times now. this is the best it will get. ever. look at the evil. rev 12 is now. we are the man child. look at the red dragon trying to pounce and destroy our birth. I will call out, taunt, question anyone until they prove themselves.
RI - Paraguay president leaves post early to take seat in Senate
MASS - Endicott President Wylie Passes; Quincy College Prez Resigns After State Nixes Approval of Its Nursing Programs; Key Retirements Announced
CT Brenner out: Darien Superintendent of Schools announces resignation
May 22, 2018
Jewish Family & Career Services has formed a search committee for its next CEO, following Judy Freundlich Tiell’s announcement that she will retire by December 31.
Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens Resigns
Greg Stanton resigned as mayor of Phoenix on May 29, 2018.
One week before the election, Jodi Remke on Tuesday submitted her resignation as chairwoman of California's state campaign watchdog agency…
ROCHESTER, NY (WROC) - Hilda Rosario Escher, the woman who has served as president and CEO of the Ibero American Action League for more than a decade, will resign at the end of the year, the agency announced Tuesday.
(Reuters) - British windows and doors retailer Safestyle UK Plc (SFES.L), which issued a profit warning in April, said on Tuesday its Chairman Peter Richardson resigned with immediate effect, a month after assuming the role.
Brown-Forman CEO Paul Varga will retire at the end of the year and will be succeeded by Chief Operating Officer Lawson Whiting, the distiller announced Tuesday.
Turquiose Hill Resources (NYSE:TRQ) announces the retirement of CEO Jeff Tygesen effective July 1, with the selection of a replacement coming "in due course."
Cathie Lesjak, who has been chief financial officer at HP Inc. since 2007, announced she'll be retiring in early 2019. She'll be replaced by Steve Fieler, currently the company's treasurer.
Haynes International (HAYN -1.6%) says President and CEO Mark Comerford plans to retire, while remaining with the company as an advisor until the end of the current fiscal year ending Sept. 30.
Stratasys …CEO …Ilan Levin has announced his resignation as Chief Executive Officer and Director, effective June 1st.
29 May 2018 - ArcelorMittal today announces the retirement of Robrecht Himpe, executive officer, and executive vice president of ArcelorMittal.
Flemington, N.J.-based Hunterdon Healthcare System President and CEO Robert P. Wise is retiring, effective June 30
IU Health Blackford Hospital President Steven West to retire
Reuters) - Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS.L) announced the surprise departure of its finance chief on Wednesday……RBS said Ewen Stevenson was leaving to take up an opportunity elsewhere and it would start looking for a successor immediately.
Plastrade Technology HAY PHOOI QUAN RESIGNS AS CFO Source
Now judge napolitano is acting weird, whats going on?????
thank you for all your hard work.
I know, I've been pissed since Gowdy's BS…. The must have something on these guys and they're doing what they're told.
Shadow vs. Deep, BIG difference. Watch this.
Just part one of 3…
LONDON (Reuters) - British transport company FirstGroup (FGP.L) replaced its chief executive ….
Tim O’Toole…
Van Eaton & Romero CEO Bill Bacqué retires
Legal & General CEO Mark Zinkula To Retire In August Next Year
NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Univision Communications Inc. (UCI), the leading media company serving Hispanic America, and the rising, diverse American mainstream, today announced that Randy Falco will retire from his role as President and Chief Executive Officer.
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UPPASALA, Sweden, May 31, 2018 /PRNewswire/ – Orexo AB today announces that Henrik Juuel has notified the company of his resignation after working for five years as the company's Chief Financial Officer.
OAHU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Sen. Will Espero announced his resignation from the Hawaii Senate on Wednesday afternoon as a requirement of his run for the lieutenant governor's seat.
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — A Maryland police detective who was addicted to opioids and solicited prostitutes while on duty has been sentenced to five years of probation after pleading guilty to two misconduct charges.
The Capital Gazette reports that Brian Houseman also agreed to resign from Anne Arundel County's force after more than a decade as a detective.
Brexit should unify all races and religions..James Carver….. a Ukip MEP has declared after handing in his party membership of 22 years in protest at its leader’s anti-Islamic rhetoric and support for jailed former English Defence League chief Tommy Robinson.
HARRISBURG, Pa. – Scott Wagner, the Republican nominee for governor of Pennsylvania, is resigning from the state senate.
The president of Springfield's largest teacher union has resigned just two years into a three-year term.
Gabe Isackson's final day in the role will be Thursday.
A week after private commissioners meeting, Buncombe County CFO Tim Flora resigns
Adm. Harry Harris retires, Davidson takes charge of newly named Indo-PACOM
The longest-serving president at the University of North Florida, John Delaney, retired on Wednesday.
Dardanup shire chief executive officer Mark Chester has handed in his resignation and will exit the role at the end of January.
Smart CEO Annette Winkler resigns
…leading 3D printing provider and manufacturer Stratasys (NASDAQ:SSYS) announced that Ilan Levin, the company’s Director and CEO, will be stepping down from his position on 1 June 2018.
Cura CEO Nitin Khanna Steps Down Amid ‘Personal Allegations’
Andres Holmgren steps down as CEO of Cherry
Scott Saxberg is stepping down as the president and CEO of Crescent Point Energy
The Gym Group shares fall as CEO John Treharne steps down
OTTAWA — Pierre Lafontaine is stepping down as chief executive officer and secretary general of Cycling Canada.
Nick Grimshaw quits BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show
Nokia sells digital health venture..executive ..Gregory Lee… to leave
Tim Pastore Steps Down as Nat Geo President of Original Programming
Charles-Henri Sabet resigns as CEO of LCG
Why does Hussein follow POTUS
BRATISLAVA (Reuters) - Twelve reporters from Slovakia’s public TV and radio broadcaster RTVS quit on Thursday in protest at what they called creeping political pressure.
South Africa
Perak Corp CEO Aminuddin quits 'to pursue other interests'
ARDEN HILLS, Minn., May 31, 2018 – Land O'Lakes, Inc. announced that Chris Policinski will retire as Land O'Lakes President and Chief Executive Officer, effective June 30, 2018.
Announced in Oct 2017 but couldn’t find it on the list
Apple supplier Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company has announced today that its founder and chairman Morris Chang will be stepping down from all leadership positions effective June 2018, immediately following the annual shareholders meeting taking place that month (via DigiTimes and Reuters).
Minnesota Historical Society Director and CEO D. Stephen Elliott to Retire June 1, 2018
Colorado Springs Utilities CEO Jerry Forte is retiring
Keith Sanford is retiring as President and Chief Executive Officer of Neapco Components LLC, after 24 years of service.
Rob Reifsnyder began his career with United Way, and now he’s ending it after many years with the organization….
COOP…New group CEO of Midcounties named as Ben Reid retires
LONDON (Reuters) - Co-owner Vijay Mallya has resigned as a director of the Force India Formula One team but will continue to serve as principal and shareholder……Mallya, who lives in Britain, is fighting a court battle to prevent his extradition to India to face charges of fraud.
TBILISI (REUTERS) - Georgia's chief prosecutor Irakly Shotadze resigned on Thursday after thousands of people gathered outside his office in Tbilisi to protest his handling of an investigation into the death by stabbing of two teenage boys last December
Dennis Greene…Redskins' hospitality president resigns after NYT piece
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — A top drug policy adviser for Republican Gov. Chris Sununu has resigned following a personnel review conducted by the attorney general's office.
Jayne Millerick, Sununu's chief of staff, said Marty Boldin's resignation was received Wednesday. She said as with all personnel matters, details of the review are confidential.
Chief Justice Nancy E. Rice retires July 1 after 31 years.
Anchor Kathy Brock to retire from ABC7 Eyewitness News in June
David "Prez" Pressley began working in radio 32 years ago, and has been a radio personality for classic rock station, WAVE 104.1 in Myrtle Beach for 25 years. Now he will be retiring.
MINOT AIR FORCE BASE – Col. Matthew Brooks will turn over the command of the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base to Col. Bradley Cochran in a ceremony Thursday, May 31.
MADISON, Wis. (WFRV) - Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Shirley Abrahamson has announced that she will not seek re-election in 2019.
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not high ranking enough imho
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Samsonite ..The world's biggest luggage maker said on Friday it had replaced … Chief Executive Ramesh Tainwala with Chief Financial Officer Kyle Gendreau, who would take the helm with "immediate effect ».
(Reuters) - Britain’s pensions watchdog head Lesley Titcomb will step down at the end of her four-year contract in February 2019, The Pensions Regulator said on Thursday.
Vic Ahmed… Centennial CEO sued by ex-coworker for sexual assault steps down but says relationship was “consensual”
SPRINGFIELD, Illinois (Illinois News Network) – House Deputy Majority Leader Lou Lang resigned from his leadership, ethics and rules making positions Thursday as a longtime advocate in the Capitol accused him of a pattern of abuse and intimidation.
Grammys president Neil Portnow steps down amidst calls for his resignation
Fiat Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne will retire in 2019.
Tighe & Bond Inc. of Westfield… David Pinsky president and CEO… will the end of this year
Land O'Lakes CEO Chris Policinski to retire after nearly 13 years
Pollstar co-founder and editor-in-chief Gary Bongiovani will retire as expected come June
Sierra Wireless has announced the retirement of CEO Jason Cohenour from 31 May, after nearly 13 years in the position.
Sorry !
Probably deserves it!
DULUTH, Minn. – After 46 years with the organization, Center for Alcohol and Drug Treatment CEO Gary Olson has retired.
Ian Russell resigns as BCX CEO
Jun 1, 2018
In an unexpected move, UK producer Wayne Marc Godfrey has stepped down from his role as Director and co-CEO of The Fyzz Group, the firm he helped set up a decade ago.
The Board of IAB Australia has today announced that Vijay Solanki (left) has resigned from his role as chief executive officer.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - Florida's top banking regulator is abruptly resigning after clashing with Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis.
Drew Breakspear sent his resignation letter on Thursday evening to Gov. Rick Scott and the three members of the state Cabinet.
next thread: >>1606439
"Today Hallmark Channel has parted ways with Mark Steines as the co-host of the network's lifestyle series "Home & Family," a statement for the Crown Media cable channel reads. "We are extremely grateful to Mark for his incredible work and wish him all the best success in his future endeavors."
We received that via email at 9:45 p.m. ET on Thursday. As for Steines, he has been quiet on social media for the past few days.