Anonymous ID: bffce1 Nov. 5, 2020, 8:50 a.m. No.11478669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8853

From elsewhere:


>I’ve read that there are 7 red western PA counties doing a slow vote to keep Philly honest. There are 6 red GA counties doing this to Atlanta. Arizona is doing this as well.


>The panhandle figured this out a while back, and did this to keep Miami honest. People think they report later because of the time zone but that was never the case at all. They used to wrap up their count while Miami was stuck at 90%.


>Virginia needs to start doing this.


This strategy (if accurate) is brilliant. Force the left to crank out ginned-up fake ballots to stay ahead of what they think is the real number, and continue to dig themselves further in the hole, while the red counties sit on real votes and keep trickling them out.