Anonymous ID: 08a1f4 Nov. 5, 2020, 11:51 a.m. No.11481642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1738 >>2068 >>2085 >>2133

I don't want to hear any more Press conferences. I don't want to get any more requests from the campaign asking me for money, the campaign is over the election was Nov. 3. NOW is the time for the red pill to be forced on those who have been lying to us for years. NOW I want that which cannot be stopped to start happening. I am done watching news and I am done researching until our guys start the PAIN and they should be introducing it now in a court of law in every fucking state in this country because that is how deep and far the fraud has gone. We need professionals who have been in on this to start using what they have been saving for over three fucking years if what we have been told by Q and company is true….bring out the big guns notifiy the Military, start a fire under DOJ's ass and get to fucking work.

If Q or Q+ is here, that is the feeling of this anon and maybe others….But enough of the fake news and enough of the pundits and the pollsters and the press conferences. There should be press after the legal fights are filed and begin to be heard….in other words actions are what we need not more fucking talk and media because I have shut it all down here in the house, I don't care what anyone says anymore, if there is truth to all of this and I believe it to be true, now is the time for action. Talk is just that, words that mean nothing.