I can imagine those inside freaking out, oh fuck, oh fuck, on the phone to the higher ups saying you told us we'd be protected, where the fuck are you? What do we do now? How can I get out of this, plausible deniability?
yeah they're goading to get civil war going so they can call in International control because everything is in chaos during an election. Dummies playing into this will regret it.
pay-triot -exactly. A blue check flying monkey swarm.
notice hrc's slogan stronger together is in reference to UN Strong cities aka sustainable aka sanctuary UN cities where dems are in control. 137 cities on American soil now are under UN having taken grants from congress to do so.
Rahm Emanuel wrote a book about mayors ruling the world via strong cities https://news.wttw.com/2020/03/03/new-book-rahm-emanuel-argues-mayors-now-running-world
The attack within works like a rotting apple
Warren Flood and Hunter’s Blackberries Are The Key - Crying Over Dead Bodies Is Not A Strategy
the network is key to target
TruthLeaks - Investigative Journalist George Webb
New DNC Logo 5AM Inflection Point!
Protesters Against Election Fraud in Michigan https://youtu.be/kxNIrz_UrtQ
This entire thing is about nuclear deals. Go shill somewhere else idiot.