massive ego
built on experience
zero self image
your accusation is moot.
helpfulness is in the eye of the beholder… all too often full of self image and useless thereby.
[i] am simply witnessing these events.
any message [i] had or did not have has long since been passed to those for whom it was intended.
you mistake this one for one to whom a necessary median of behaviour must be maintained.
in civilised times, one could not fault you for your view.
<these, however, are in fact not civilized times.
pay attention.
strange paths breed strange companions.jpg
methinks ye make too much of an light thing… salvation notwithstanding.
you keep claming a standard fit off the rack is a custom job.
this is all a stage, afterall… and no better audience than the world.
[my] canto will not match [you]r respondu no matter how you try to package it.
it is called "doctrinal differences".
my God has not said "kill in my name"… yet.
doubt He Will tbqh.
this is apocalypse, either way.
just donot expect [me] to believe any (((revelation)))…
<irrespective of bearer.
it means parting of the veil.
there is nothing to say.
say what ye will.
this continuum is over and all the tears in eternity will not stop it.
and there is your clue about "freewill".