Anonymous ID: 359be5 Nov. 15, 2020, 8:20 p.m. No.11663841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4624 >>3190

My second child is due next month.


My mindset when Trump first got elected was that I could finally have it all. I would do anything it would take to make it, and that's what I did. I carved out a space for myself with my own well worn hands, bad back be damned. I found a nice wife, married her almost immediately, and immediately set about having kids.


The first one was wonderful because the economy was so great and I was doing well.


However, now, my stress levels are through the roof. My money is still fine for now, and my bills are all paid up. We have a nice house. But i was informed of the pregnancy right as the COVID nonsense had just begun. It was an uncertain time then, but I ignored it and pressed on. The economy took a huge hit and certain sectors began failing.


I have held my sector up almost entirely on my own to prevent bankruptcy.


Regionally, the lockdowns weren't happening in my area. I continued to work as normal.


However this time, since the election, I have come to the realization of just what is at stake here.


They want me and my family dead. They want to rig the elections, so they can implement their great reset agenda 2030 sustainable development horseshit.


The lockdowns have started in my region now. I am beginning to see the industrial sector wind down in preparation for a Biden/COVID double whammy.


The future is uncertain.


I feel like overdosing on hopium to believe that Trump really will put a stop to all of it, so that I can be there for my kids making honest money from hard work to provide for them.


All the stories, the Q posts and mythology, election rigging, deep state takedowns, international cabal etc. I want it to be true so bad for my child's sake, even if I myself think of him as Zion Don the Israeli pawn.


It feels like if he fails, then there is no other option, we will have to go to war. War is not fun, it will be long, brutal, stressful in ways that have yet to be conceived.


I'm just so anxious, yet so tired. I want that feeling of patriotic nationalist pride to be real. I want Trump to really be that man that he is made out to be.


I'm worried sick about these next few months. I have prayed constantly to God for all sorts of blessings, most of which come true, but this one truly bothers me the most.


What kind of world will my children inherit? Will I have to fight to make that world a better place? Will they come for people like us who rebel?


If you read this all, thank you from the bottom of my heart, I hope you can understand and connect. This place has become my home for venting and ranting, I love all of you.