Anonymous ID: 39b7b3 April 22, 2018, 3:32 p.m. No.1148989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9012 >>9028 >>9084

Okay. So I’m watching Fox News segment with Bret baier and he’s interviewing trey gowdy. So he said he want to talk to people under oath but only after the mueller investigation is over and the IG reports comes out. He got asked when will that happen. He said the IG report comes out sometime in may (April showers bring may flowers) then he said he has no idea when the mueller probe will end but he trusts mueller and if anyone has knowledge of when it’s going to end then shame on the mueller team for letting that get out. So what is Mueller actually investigating?? He is not specifically investigating Donald trump and his campaigns alleged collusion with Russia. He is investigating the 2016 election and ANY interference with it. So I just came up with a theory (and I believe it’s not a theory but fact. I guess we will find out sooner or later) which is that this IG report is going to come out in may and what is it going to show? It’s going to show that the elites like Hillary, obama, and the rest of the deep state crew tried to interfere with the election so Hillary would win and it could be business as usual. Sooooooo once that IG report comes out people are gonna say “wow, that’s a lot of crimes, we should have a special council to investigate all of these crimes and prosecute the people who were involved.” LOL this is where I laughed to myself. Because well as a matter of fact we already have a special council investigating the interference of the 2016 election. No need for a new one, Mueller can investigate this, he is appointed to investigate this. THIS IS SO GENUIS THAT ITS HILARIOUS. If you really want to show how stupid these people are then get them all to DEMAND, PROTECT, AND DEFEND a special council to investigate the crimes that they committed themselves!!! LOLOLOLOL. And because the left thought mueller was appointed to investigate trump. They all love him so much and all of them defend him vigorously and say he is such an honorable and honest man. He is now the GOD to the left because in their eyes he is the last hope they have at bring down Donald trump. They are even writing legislation to protect him from getting fired. When in reality they and the people on the left and the people who just hate trump are praising and defending (unknowingly, unwittingly, and extremely ignorantly) the very person who will be prosecuting all of them. Every last one of them. YOU CAN NOT SET UP AND SCREW OVER DONALD TRUMP IF YOU ARE THIS FUCKING STUPID. Just not possible. These people are idiots. RED OCTOBER. Every missile they fire at trump does a 180 and come back to blow up straight in their face. Look at this new DNC lawsuit against trump, Wikileaks, and Russia. The left is loving it when in reality all it does is gives Trump the ability to prove publicly in a court of law that he is innocent and gives Wikileaks the ability to publicly prove in a court of law that Seth rich was the source for the DNC emails. In court it’s all facts and you can’t lie. HOW WILL THEY SURVIVE IF THEY CANT LIE. I think I finally figured out what is really happening. I’m so excited right now because I am more confident than ever that we along with trump and all the anons will be totally vindicated. The plan is all set up and in place. It’s so obvious now. Their own thirst for money and power will the reason that they all are going to face justice. Trump, Q and company are so genius they actually got the Democrats and traitors to demand a special prosecutor to prosecute themselves 😂 LAUGH OUT LOUD. HOW STUPID CAN ONE POSSIBLY BE for one. And two HOW STUPID CAN YOU POSSIBLY BE TO BELIVE, TRUST AND ACTUALLY VOTE FOR THESE PEOPLE.