>> 1148732
Watch the gif-where is all the steam ? Gorillions of gallons of seawater instantly evaporated - & no steam? We know who the fucking retard is.
-Pablo, honey?
-Please,honey,come down to Florida.
-Come to Florida,honey,we need to…
-Yeah? Who's this?
-Pablo, honey, been washing your ass, Pablo?
-Who is this?
-Keep yourself clean, honey?
>> 1148911
Start at the 11:00 min mark you fucking mental midget. Quite possibly the smartest man or the GLOBE destroys your puerile fantasy FOREVER. GTFO with your braindead fucking nonsense day after fucking day, when he started putting out his field theory videos you assholes glommed onto him, but he let you ride coattail till this one. You are done, it's over, your psyop failed, now kindly stop or KYS.
Shill filtered