Anonymous ID: 17d7a9 Nov. 5, 2020, 4:24 p.m. No.11487061   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trying to figure out what's really going on with COVID. Oklahoma (deep red state) is putting out increasing frantic media reports. 1400 new COVID cases since Monday, 50% hospitalized, only 70 ICU beds currently available in the state. I would like to laugh this off as hooey BUT…

Spouse anon is surgeon in a nice suburban community hospital that is one of many that owned by a large national hospital group and connected to a major local metro hospital. The hospital system can't afford to shut surgeries down again as surgery is their bread and butter. So, the plan that is being brandied about in administration is to turn the major metro hospital into a COVID only hospital and bring the surgeons from there to the community hospital – basically turning it into a large surgery-only center. Sounds like temporary surgical suites will be set up outside the facility.

It sounds like there IS a major flare-up of severe COVID (or something they are not telling us about) going on here. My pastor was diagnosed with COVID and is currently in the hospital with a bacterial pneumonia diagnosis. (He said he'd trade the pneumonia for the COVID any day.) Makes me wonder if another bioweapon of some type has been released in Trump country. Thoughts?