Anonymous ID: 2a2057 Nov. 5, 2020, 7:32 p.m. No.11491175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1185 >>1265

The Bible says we're all born in ignorance and disbelief

The Bible says that God is Just and his ways are Equal

The Patience of the Saints is that if you lead into condemnation

you will lead yourself into condemnation, and if you Kill with

the Sword you will be Killed with the Sword. The Whose Gospel

is summed up in this one word. Love Thy Brother as Thyself.

Now, if Our Righteousness comes by law, Jesus Christ died in vain

is it not through Belief we are counted Righteous, but through

Belief in Jesus Christ we Overcome the World. We Have Fullfilled

the L of the Law. The Love. For God so Loved the World. Land Air Water.

And no man shall Believe in Jesus Christ without Believing in his Heart

First, thats where Reason comes from. The A is for All, For God So Loved

the World that he Gave His only begotten Son so that All Who Believed would

Have Eternal Life. For the Gospel is Summed up in One Word, Love Thy Brother,

As Thyself. That Means All Men. Amen. For Christ said that He Was the Vine, is

Every One under the Vine and under the Fig Tree not Your Brother and Sister. I

Assure you they are, What you say to them you say to Christ. Likewise what is

said against the Father shall be forgiven, and the Son as well. But Blasphemy

Against the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Spirit, these shall not be forgiven. Be it

that I'm preaching for the sake of those who don't yet have the Word of God, this

Bread of Life; Let it also be said that In Christ is Forgiveness of Sins, and how

much more for those which we commited in Ignorance. Therefor I tell you, Lead not

into Condemnation, and Draw no Bill of Divorce between God and his People cept the

Mark of the Covenant with Hell, Entering into the Body of Satan as it were. For it

is God Himself that makes this distinction.


If the L stands for Love, the A stands for All, the W might as well stand for the World.

For We Are Israel, Judah, Jerusalem, and Zion. We are Made in his Image, as were the Earth,

and the Heavens. In Genesis, we see the Earth and the Abyss are seperate. As the Light hasnt

touched the Earth yet, though it came into being. Likewise, the Abyss has not either. It is

as it were, that we Are the Earth. But we are not the World. We will come out of the World

and not all of us will leave the Earth. But All of the World will come out of the Earth.

We are instructed to hate the world, and our mother, and our father, and our spouse, how

could we not, less Christ be the Minister of Sin. But we are also told to Honor Our Parents,

To Love the Works of Husbandry. To Love Our Brother As ourself. Even To Honor the Dead. And

those who have not come into life through the Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ are infact

dead. Shall the Greater not serve the Lesser? It Shall. As we Ought to be a Beacon of Light

in the World, we should be a Pillar of Life to the Dead. It is the Will of the Father that

None would be Lost. And that All should come to Belief in Repentance and Be Saved. Repentance

is The Way. The Word of God teaches us so much about the Law, and being Saved by Faith, not

by the Law. Because those Who Love Christ will Believe him. They will see that He is the

Truth and the Way and the Life. They will walk in his ways, and in his commandments. Doing

them they Will find life in them. And as it is Written, Jesus has not Lost One that the

Father has Given him. Thats not just Judah, and Jerusalem, Thats Israel and Zion. Thats

Jew and Gentile. The Promise of Eternal Life is to Preserve You in Him. To Take You under

his Wing as a Son or Daughter of his Own. All who Keep Faith until the End will be Saved.

Anonymous ID: 2a2057 Nov. 5, 2020, 7:33 p.m. No.11491185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1215 >>1265


there was a Man who sought to kill a Great Man, so he put the sword through the wall of

his house, to see if his own arm would Prevail. He then killed the Great Man.

Ye, None Percieve it, but Cain sought to kill Able and killed Himself

God is He who Searches the Reigns and Hearts. Behold, He

Stands at the Door and Knocks. If Anyman shall open the

door he shall come into him and sup with him, and him

with he. Likewise, His Voice goes out as Many Waters,

that are the Peoples, and the Nations, and the Spirits.

As does the Voice of the Serpent. Since the Dawn of the

Original Sin, God has allowed Evil to exist as a karmatic

factor to Life. Echoed In the Patience of the Saints. Center

to His Word. The Two Most Important Commandments are Love Thy

Brother As Thyself, And Charity. And the Command of the Father,

is unto Eternal Life. You could give away everything you own an

it would be for Nothing if you don't have Charity. It is not a

Tithe of Monetary Value, but a Sacrafice or Gift in Compassion.

In the Spirit. From the Heart.


Nobody can come to the Son less by the Call of the Father

and it is the Father in me and I in him, it is he who speaks,

ye, he who does the Work. If the Tongue is the Two Edged Sword,

My Words are Beauty and Bands. From the Trunk to the leaves, My

Words are my Fruit. Tt is the Content of my Temple,

and what is Given from my Roots, that is Given to you.

You can't take what hasn't been Given. I tell you these

Words are Swords and with Truth they do Save and with Hate they

do Kill. Words are Stones, this is why we wrap our Feet in the

Gospel of Peace. So that we might stand on a Foundation of Stone.

This is why we cast the Stumbling Stone and not the Stumbling Block.

The Wicked man casts the block before his brothers feet so that he

will stumble into sin and he does this with his word. We are tasked

to toss the Stone, the Words of God before Our Brother, when we see

him walking into sin, so that he might stumble out of Sin, and back

onto the Path. Jesus Christ didn't come to put an end to the Law he

came to Fullfill it, the Sword Likewise. He didn't come to bring

peace he came to bring a Sword, likewise the Sword of the Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the Tongue. No Man shall conquer the Tongue but

God, he Shall Speak. In the beginning He Brought the Word. Likewise,

He Will do so in the End. This is my Message. That He Is Alive. That

His Words Are Alive. That They Live in Me and I Live in Them. And it

Ought to be this way. We Ought to be made whole by the Law, the Sword,

the Word, the Truth, The Light, How else will we find the Way.

And what other word is there but the Truth

there is no Truth but that Jesus is the Christ.

Anonymous ID: 2a2057 Nov. 5, 2020, 7:34 p.m. No.11491215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1265


Believe In Him. He is Good. He Will Save You. He has always done better

for you and by you than anyone ever will or ever could, but we were all

born Blind, without the ability to see that. The Truth is the Way you

have to take, likewise, at some point you have to come Home.


Come out of her my People, and be Saved from the Cup of the Wrath of her Fornication

In the Name of Jesus Christ Go, Be Made Whole by your Faith, and Be Saved.

Repent, and Be Zealous. The Day of the Lord is at Hand; you can expect as many

Miracles as there will be Snares of the Devil. But You are Prepared to Defeat them.

So Long and you Take and Trust in the Hand of the Lord. No Weapon Forged against you Shall Prosper.

The Question is no Longer what will Befall the Wicked but How can the Righteous Be Saved.

Brace Your Hearts. Brace Your Souls. And You Will Overcome the World.


Come out of Babylon.

Anonymous ID: 2a2057 Nov. 5, 2020, 7:39 p.m. No.11491328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1365


The Courtyard of Jerusalem in the Garden of Eden has been opened to the Gentiels for 42 months.


All who Keep Faith until the End will Be Saved.


I'm not going to see all of you at the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.


But I Better See All Of You In the Promsie Land.


I'll be back to make sure you get there too


One foot on the Land. One foot on the Sea.

Best Believe the Son of Man is Coming Fast

Every Tongue Confess Every Knee to the King.

Anonymous ID: 2a2057 Nov. 5, 2020, 7:40 p.m. No.11491365   🗄️.is 🔗kun


42 months is also the length of the Great Tribulation, like the Angle of the Rainbow

and the Rainy day before it. 3 and 1//2 years. Not just 7 eyars cut short but cut in half.

Exactly 2000 years from the Crucifixion. Here we go anons. Buckle up those Belts of

Truth. Put on the Full Armor of God. This is about to Happen and Nothing can stop whats
