Anonymous ID: 7ba5b6 Nov. 5, 2020, 7:19 p.m. No.11490897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1218




>Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ca0923 No.9252741 📁


>May 20 2020 12:43:51 (EST)


>In a letter sent to Johnson on Tuesday, Sen. Kamala Harris of California renewed her calls for another COVID-19 hearing, noting that the committee hasn't held one since early March.


>DNC media [MSM] echo-chamber push?






>Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION?



It's about their need to accelerate THE PLAN.


vid related–that leak out of Canada? Their shit won't work as well in Canada if the US isn't on board.

Anonymous ID: 7ba5b6 Nov. 5, 2020, 7:22 p.m. No.11490962   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Greens call on Morrison to condemn President Trump


>Greens Leader Adam Bandt says a “lying” and “deflated” President Donald Trump has falsely claimed victory and called on Prime Minister Scott Morrison to condemn the behaviour.


>“This is dangerous and distressing,” Mr Bandt told Sky News.


“He’s baselessly made accusations of fraud without any evidence whatsoever.


“This is not normal, and we cannot allow it to become normal.


“Prime Minister Scott Morrison must condemn Donald Trump’s false claims of voter fraud and claims of victory.”


Oh look, another foreign government that is going to get the EO treatment! So far on the list is China, Germany, Netherlands, OZ, who's next? Waiting for Boris and Macron!

Anonymous ID: 7ba5b6 Nov. 5, 2020, 7:31 p.m. No.11491155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1279




>Ben has a marketing degree.


I don't like Ben for what he leaves out and his previous attacks on Dutchsinse. I used to listen to both of them, and Dutch, although highly excitable when he figures something new out, his forecasting is ALWAYS dead on. He's been attacked by MSA (mainstream academia which is as bad or worse than MSM), they've banned him, anything to shut him up and he keeps on doing the work.


Trump supposedlyretweeted or something–when Dutch (who had just finally discovered DEWs) tweeted with his DEW capture. I like he is much better admitting when he gets it wrong, but I don't like that he's too scared to factor in other things like solar flares and magnetosphere stuff that are known to set earthquakes off. I suppose it's enough that he is so accurate at forecasting where they're most likely to pop up and their sized as the energy moves along the plate boundaries.


Ben is —I just don't like him. He failed so hard at earthquakes that he sticks to reporting already reported science news on solar activity.

Anonymous ID: 7ba5b6 Nov. 5, 2020, 7:36 p.m. No.11491268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1288 >>1315


So, if you get your way about the OP image you'll stop fucking up the board like the bakergang has done all day long with up to 5 breads at a time? Or was it because someone finally broke down and raged about the bakerfuckery we've tolerated for months?


What was it?


Fucking Fungus.


(Here fucking things over from day 1 at /pol/. Really makes me wonder. Even has the power to delete threads AND hide that it's done it. Who is that masked dickless man?)

Anonymous ID: 7ba5b6 Nov. 5, 2020, 7:45 p.m. No.11491487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1523 >>1552 >>1706 >>1731


>Moar info please.

Fungus has literally been here since day 1 and has continually fucked this place up. FUNGUS runs this plae you just don't realize it. I was on 8kun/pol/ and on the virus thread a few of us decided to start another thread about a specific angle of the virus. Fungus told us on the virus thread that he'd delete any thread we made to discuss this subject. Obviously no one believed it so they made a thread. Ten posts in the thread completely poofed. No record it was ever there.


Ever since then I flat out do not trust this place. I am 100% against banning and censorship and have never bothered to engage in their shit, just scroll on by. But I come here today to get some fresh info, and find 5 breads, bakers fighting over the pic, and the board fuckery even worse than the last 3-4 months coming here seeing the thread after thread FILLED with bakers fighting. So I lost it today.


This information that is rolling out is too important to miss. Bread fuckery has us dashing between multiple threads posting the same stuff on multiple threads just to make sure we're getting all the damn sauce.


BO/BVwill not do anything about it so I suggested banning VPNs for a week and cutting those assholes out until they can get along.


Suddenly we're back to the old photo most of us agreed to change and down to 1 thread.


This shit alonereally makes me wonder just who, exactly, is this FUNGUS. I don't believe the "official story" at allbut I'm just now saying something.

Anonymous ID: 7ba5b6 Nov. 5, 2020, 7:50 p.m. No.11491579   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>It's unfolding like a clueless project manager ignoring reality and sticking to his Gant chart.

Grant it the Chinks have had much longer as a society to die inside as human beings and more complacent. I'm stunned there are still Chinks with the nuts to be dissidents. That plan outlined in the video? That's exactly how China is now. Blows me away that most Americans are so poorly informed about what daily life in China is actually like.


property ownership? watch CHina in Focus videos showing an elder going out for groceries and coming home to find their house razed to the ground and no where to go. The party owns everything and the party decides if they need your land or not.


Serpentza, Laowhy86, Joshua Philips Crossroads, China in Focus (the last two are Falung gong sponsored) ADV China and ADV podcast. You will see–the China Plan is the Canadian Plan. NO difference.

Anonymous ID: 7ba5b6 Nov. 5, 2020, 7:53 p.m. No.11491660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1689

>>11490066 (some fucking PB)

>= Trump has to lose.

I don't think that means lose literally. Biden needs to declare victory KNOWINGLY. Trump won, that much is clear. I can see Trump letting it go to the wire. That's the plan. The closer and closer it looks that Trump might pull it out by a sliver the more pressure is going to be on Biden to jump the gun and declare victory, KNOWINGLY.


So activat4e those DNC troll accounts and start posting

>Biden, Mr. President, what are you waiting for? Declare victory and finish off the orange cheeto.


Something like that.

Anonymous ID: 7ba5b6 Nov. 5, 2020, 7:57 p.m. No.11491733   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>11490757 Vladimir Putin is planning to step down next year as speculation swirls in Russia that the longtime president may have Parkinson’s disease.


No–the kike oligarchs finally got a damaging dose of poison in him.


Let's see what happens.


(Vlad, bro, don't fail us now! their end is at hand!)