Anonymous ID: b1fc61 Nov. 5, 2020, 7:34 p.m. No.11491221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1319



There is now so much evidence and proof this election was stolen that no amount of censorship can bury it. The goverment needs the consent of the governed to survive, and clearly they don't have it. 30 percent leftist nit wits cannot save Nancy and the rest of the deep state all by themselves, they need the cooperation of the bulk of society and quite frankly, the genocide is going to be difficult this time. And now I am going to say some reality and give advice that will scare those stealing America:

The average Joe American just wants to live his life without trouble, and without "being violent" to put things right. The average gun owner is actually useless and the gun will never be used because the average gun owner is too brainwashed by all the "non violence" BULLSHIT to ever use it. However, there are a lot of things they can still do to screw those who stole this election (or at least tried) should they succeed, even if they don't have the moral fiber it takes to blow the brains out of a storm trooper that's taking their neighbor to the camps -



#1. DO NOT PAY TAXES. Are you kidding me? TAXES? WTF for? Come on people, all you'll do by paying taxes is feed the monster that stole the country, which will then take what YOU PAID and return every dime you sent in by destroying you. What would the corrupted officials do if people even stopped paying property tax? Crash, that's what. There's no reason for property tax and no allowance for it anyway, it's just something we all went along with while being conned. Now all it does is stuff corruption to the rafters. They can't kick everyone out of their homes, they'll destroy their base, and enough people will shoot anyway -

#2. Let all registrations expire. ALL OF THEM. And then live your life like you have them. And when the fines come, don't pay them. And if they threaten jail, say GOOD, because you're also going to have to jail Tom, Bob, Joe and the rest of the country that is not criminal, and when you do that you'll rip the rug right out from under yourselves. No one is going to feed you but US. Ditto for the IRS. If these people actually seize power, they'll dream of ways to destroy you that are worse than the IRS, giving them the funds to do so will be WORSE than the consequence of not paying taxes.


  1. Immediately jerk your kids out of school. And don't put them online either. Set up associations where parents teach each other's kids in groups of 10 or so. The parents will have no trouble at all out-performing the schools drastically anyway. Even if you teach the kids NOTHING, the only thing lost will be the brainwashing the schools do. That is literally all they do, they don't teach a damn thing and today's kids simply pick up information and learn from the web. The motivation to use a tech device is what is teaching them to write, the schools sure as hell do not.

Once the majority of the people refuse to cooperate with the "public education" system, enough A-holes will be shot by people who are not brainwashed morons when the NOT ELECTED government tries to steal the kids via CPS over the kids not being in school to put a stop to that too.


  1. Do not cooperate with ANY gun regulations, and I am talking NOT A SINGLE ONE. Sell all firearms and keep a record of the sale, including the first name of the fake buyer and nothing more. SELL EVERY DAMN GUN YOU HAVE TODAY, while in-person sales still don't have to be recorded. Lose the rest of them "in the lake". Have a nice gun safe that is empty to prove you sold them. Only a few people have the courage and morality it takes to shoot a tyrant, so it will take an enormous pile of people owning guns to hit the critical number of those to make it too dangerous for the state to become what Nancy and Kamala want it to be.


  1. Prepare your most fuel efficient vehicle for war. The best prep you could possibly make would be to have the tank as full of gas as possible, plus have extra gas cans in that vehicle, plus cash to buy gas with, keeping it all topped off until the gasoline is cut off to stop you from getting more to transport yourself to wherever the battles are. The great ace of the war will be the guy who has the Geo Metro hatch back and 50 gallons of gas. It would take forever to stop that, absent blowing it up and if it comes down to that a pickup won't be any better. The sniper. With a Geo Metro. Bad combo for the deep state.

Anonymous ID: b1fc61 Nov. 5, 2020, 7:36 p.m. No.11491264   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I have to repeat this - lots of people think what they need is a hummer or some other gas sucking pig. Such vehicles offer NO advantage in urban warfare, the guy who's going to win drives a Prius.


Other vehicle preps that are critical will be blankets in that vehicle. The light fuzzy ones, which keep you warm better than anything. Throw in the $20 wal mart tent and NOTHING LARGER just in case you have to abandon the vehicle and run for it. Then you'll be REAL thankful the blankets are light and fuzzy. If you have a large tent or a heavy bed spread you're going to discover just how useless it is when you have to carry it, let alone pitch it and then sit there like some giant icon visible to eternity and beyond. The little tents (and ultralight blankets and sleeping bags) will work better than anything. And no, a sheet of plastic will not replace a tent.


I would not bother with more food than whatever will go in the car easy, with a special back pack loaded with carbos to quickly grab if needed that will only last a few days at most. If you can't get food and you're fighting a war, starvation is your least worry, if you last long enough to starve to death and you were effective the whole time, you surpassed everyone else by leaps and bounds.



  1. Don't pay taxes.


  1. Don't register anything or license anything anymore.


  1. Get your kids out of school.


  1. Sell your guns and make damn good and sure you docmuent the sale clearly, while being totally obscure about who "bought" them. The lake can be there for one or two and don't bother "selling" any you know are not registered, why bother?


  1. Seriously prepare your most fuel efficient vehicle and don't bother with the big one unless there's a damn good reason to. One more thing - a gun gives up your location instantly. Avoid using them where possible, and when you do, one shot, one kill, leave. Due to the fact that you can be sneaky with fire, fire is a much better weapon. I am confident the deep state wants gas powered cars banned because they know that, there's no other serious reason they want them gone.


Any government needs the consent of the governed. You were guaranteed to be "served" by those you put in power. After a coup like this, your a FREAKING MORON or total fool for complying and giving the usurpers power by cooperating with them, my god, why would anyone do that?

Anonymous ID: b1fc61 Nov. 5, 2020, 7:37 p.m. No.11491302   🗄️.is 🔗kun



And now, the GOOD STUFF:

There's one other thing I keep forgetting to put out there - when it comes to the Jews, killing them is not prime. For them, you cut hands off and gouge eyes out when possible and make damn good and sure whatever is removed is unrecoverable. They are very specific about keeping their bodies intact, letting them live is as asymmetrical as it gets, they'll freak out over seeing the same guy with no hand or eyes over and over again, knowing how and why he lost it and no, there's not ONE CHANCE you'll go to hell for that. They believe that if they lose a physical hand that after death they won't have it either. The prospect of that just freaks them out like nothing else. Thou shalt not kill will have been totally obeyed. That will make them think long and hard about what to put in their matzo balls and a whole lot more.

A finger. A huge face scar. A foot. A hand. blind. No worries about actually having killed someone. Totally asymmetrical, with a constant remider to their community that will last decades. A LOT more people will be able to cope with doing that to send a message, rather than kill them outright. That's a far better method than anything else possible when it comes to the Jews and a gun would be useless for that other than getting the * out of dodge when needed (actually, a shot gun to the wrist after a perfectly applied tourniquet would be perfect, but that's noisy). Make damn good and sure you apply a tourniquet first, so they don't bleed out and die.