Anonymous ID: da3769 Nov. 5, 2020, 7:19 p.m. No.11490899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1155

>>11490640 (lb)


Ben has a marketing degree.

Fear porn is marketing strategery

>Best place to start for someone curious.

Lemme know when you graduate from listening to Ben. Seriously. Donate to watch his "special" one hour podcasts where he talks about his ideas and feelz, and you'll understand why I'd be suspicious about him, myself

Been down this rabbit hole years ago, fren.

The man is full of himself and promotes an ex-cia multi-verse simulation misinformation agenda, in hope to gain steam for his "micro-nova" "theory". Which is so far off from accurate, it's retarded. At best, it's outsider speculation. Which is definitely not better than my own ability to think for myself and ask questions to the point where I am certain he knows not what he talks about.

Don;t get me wrong. He does provide some good info. And does share a few good sources. But then again, I've heard quite a few flat earthers who at least are able to identify red flags about the NASA frauds that have been going on for decades. So, grains of salt