Your desperate attempts to flip breads definitely accentuate that thought..
Quit crying, the movement is bigger than BAKERS!!FAGGOT
Man you whine a lot for a FREEDOM FIGHTER!!
Think about someone else besides yourself. Baker bake breade, they DO NOT drive thought of individual AMERICANS..
This is a place of Digs, Truth, and GOD..
Being a sting operation and all, prob should consider the fact that its hidden from, EVERYONE!
You have Sec. clearance or just a desk monkey.. Tie your shoes homie, while talking..
Same reason Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants, Car Salesmen, and Ditch diggers..
They are the Dregs and have to brag about how AMAZING they are.. Empty souls, living by proxy..
BC you don't need a hand to hold, if you have read the story, you ALREADY KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!!!