When was that?
Fake from disgusting movie though
Cuz they made it political issue vs scientific discovery
We know this whole culture is crap but he has influence, maybe he can at least try to deprogram. We do not need to support him or his idiotic music, he hopefully finds his way of doing better for his followers
Its not about scin color its about culture
He can do it without us being involved
Nobody revealed anything, you anon can do whatever you think is right. I dont care about rap culture, i do not think we need to support any of the musicians unless they go to grammys and say outloud everything right into their faces. In terms of the racial discussion, again, why do we need to do anything separate for white, black, or purple. We need to do it for US THE PEOPLE regardless of skin color, people should be treated as individuals
I was trying to explain it to another anon recently, got a strange response, muh classified