>Today is Earth Day.
>Did you forget?
>Do you feel safe?
>https:// www.washingtonpost.com/politics/decision2012/al-gore-has-thrived-as-green-tech-investor/2012/10/10/1dfaa5b0-0b11-11e2-bd1a-b868e65d57eb_story.html?utm_term=.00a0de2fb3ae
I am safe because I'm armed and live in a rural area,
but the future of america is in peril, Dollar collapse will come,
Obamas agreement with the UN to allow UN crooks into the nation,
They can foment a false flag and use that as a pretense,
for blue helmet invasion using communist troops to kill
millions of Americans and these people in government
today are communists and will cheer at the thought
of americans being killed, ala white people, christians,
jews, anyone that loves freedom.
The safety of Trump is temporary and I don't see any
actions to restore the real Constitution as written and
rule of law.
If your not armed locked and loaded after 45/46 will come
a hell to the US, these people will regain power through fraud,
rigged elections, and GOP is now DNClite even they are
backing the destruction of our Constitution through gun bans,
censorship is getting even heavier on the main sites.
I see a future of America that will break down into groups
of states unless POTUS makes drastic efforts to end these
Communist cabals, I don't have a good answer short of
mass casualty event on both coasts to beak the
Commie pinko Liberal population base. These people are
pissed, they're locked, just ready to be armed and create
a civil war. Then comes in the UN and its over, because our
whole government at 90% is corrupt, complicit, compromised.
Breaking the back by arresting Hillary etc will not change these
peoples attitude, as long as people like Soros still have Billions
to fund useful idiots these idiots will grow more and more
emboldened and with the help of likes of #CNN and even majority
of Fox will cheer on the sedition and actions of these groups.
so Q tell us how changing things for a very limited term are going
to change the long term, there appears very little going on in lots of fronts.
Voter Fraud, Corrupt machines, open bribery, and cheering and
pushing on destruction of inalienable rights, how is it going to
ever end without massive bloodshed in a civil war.
Many patriots are very wary of the actions moving forward,
there is no fear of the law on the Left and Right in leadership,
the whole damn system is rigged against We The People.
How about all the people murdered in the womb by the
abortion mills?
You asked so I answered Q….