Anonymous ID: 3cf61f Nov. 6, 2020, 3:39 a.m. No.11496698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6754


This is correct. Too many "what if" and speculative thought. Never any definitive proof to decimate the opponent. I have sifted through literally three plus years of material and created a massive amount of proofs, notables, and so on and have seen numerous examples of serious issues needing serious oversight but in the end I have about as much power as a fart in the wind and those with the power were never inclined to move on any of it.


Actually, consider this, throw aside what I personally have done and think about what we all have done, add it all together, consider all the crucial uncovered data we all worked hard to uncover and compile. All of that data that rivals, hell no, goes well beyond any research data teams in any of the multi billion dollar media companies, we did it all for free and with love of country in mind. We found so much REAL data… but in the end nothing happened with it. That is the biggest gut punch to me personally. It isn't that I feel used because I wasn't in any way but I feel like I love my country and want to fight to protect it, I feel like others here feel the same but in the end those in power don't and that bothers me significantly.

Anonymous ID: 3cf61f Nov. 6, 2020, 3:48 a.m. No.11496757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6814


When I was young and under literal daily abuse I used to cry myself to sleep every single night praying that God helps me. Grew up religious, knew how to pray/prayed, believed, etc. Nothing ever happened. If you believe in that, fair enough, I respect that (truly), but God has nothing to do with any of these things. This is men and women, some who make positive choices, others who make evil choices, and each choice by each side has an echo that is far reaching and effects much more than the initial decision.


Overcoming constant hatred and evil thoughts and beating them back, that is on the person who did it in the face of horrendous chances of success. Overcoming innate personal problems to break through and keep fighting, that is on the person. Making positive decisions to help yourself out and taking into consideration those around you, that/those are on the person. God had nothing to do with it.

Anonymous ID: 3cf61f Nov. 6, 2020, 4 a.m. No.11496856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6895


Well the evil never went away so if you what you claim is the case then even that didn't happen. I want to also say I have absolutely no problem with religion and even think it is absolutely crucial for a thriving society when kids are young and need to learn certain things. But to base ones life on it is simply impossible when one deals with issues where no such assistance was ever offered.


Frankly this is the first time I have ever even brought it up in my entire existence, quite literally I have never discussed it before as I never used it as a crux despite failure after failure after failure after failure. Always keeping the hope that someday something good would finally happen, always trying my best, always doing what I could despite overwhelming sacrificing and overwhelming pain and suffering the likes I wish upon nobody. But no God ever took the so called "evil" away. No God ever did anything. All I have experienced in this life is torment and suffering and despite that I treated people well, I was respectful, I kept hope I would someday get a chance to prove myself, I worked to get that call, but nothing ever happened.


Why am I saying this now? Because it's too late for me. But maybe there is some young mind out there that is feeling the same and holding it all in and they may be able to learn something from my words and adjust their strategy to do something that I never was able to do. That is quite literally my only hope at this point. But either way, no God ever intervened. So while I do believe there has to be a God who started the whole thing, well either they truly hated me for some unknown reason or they never even noticed. Like so many others.