Anonymous ID: 793766 Nov. 6, 2020, 3:36 a.m. No.11496670   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6712 >>6880 >>7072 >>7259


FWIW, that is not an issued patent. it is a published patent application. In order to be legally valid, a patent must teach the reader how to practice or do the invention. In other words, patents are the opposite of secrecy.

35 USC 112, the invention specification (that is bulk of the patent app) must enable a person to make and use the invention.

Anonymous ID: 793766 Nov. 6, 2020, 3:41 a.m. No.11496706   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Pretty much so.

What we are seeing now exposes what has always been. Dishonesty. The question in my mind is how many people embrace the dishonesty, and how many are repulsed by it. Many of the people in position of power in the institutions are fundamentally dishonest. What good is power if you don't use it?

Anonymous ID: 793766 Nov. 6, 2020, 3:45 a.m. No.11496737   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


It matters even more if they don't arrest someone and enforce the law.

Public is conditioned to bitch and move on. See Venezuela, Mexico. Our government and courts would be perfectly happy there, as much so as here. They are exalted, and the people can't or won't do a damn thing about it.


"But our constitution" is bullshit. Openly corrupt despotic countries have constitutions too, freedom of press and all the same shit we have in ours. Words on paper, not implemented in spirit, openly violated with no loss of prestige and power to the violator.


Judges know who loves them and pays them, and it isn't the public!

Anonymous ID: 793766 Nov. 6, 2020, 3:50 a.m. No.11496766   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


"Sealed indicments" is bullshit. Read the source document for the spreadsheet, the document cited right there at the bottom. In many jurisdictions, 100% of indictment are filed sealed as a matter of routine.


Dumb analogy alert - it's like counting the eggs your chickens laid, but never accounting for the ones you ate. Or how many beers. By now you must have half a million beers, yes? No!? But you bought that many.


There is a small number of long-sealed indictments, fewer than 100 in the entire country. Mostly perps not caught, some are favors for the protected class.

Anonymous ID: 793766 Nov. 6, 2020, 3:52 a.m. No.11496794   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6851


No. Not illegal. Criminal law is damn narrow, and for the most part the political class is protected. Trivially easy to "launder" foreign money into your bank. Not to mention 1st amendment allows MEXICAN New York Times to operate. Free press is big enough to drive a truck through.

Anonymous ID: 793766 Nov. 6, 2020, 3:59 a.m. No.11496849   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6882


I think I know why the weak are jumping. They are cabined in their thinking and speculation of how events play out, and when their dream isn't met, they transpose that to "the plan" (better as the intention to do damage to the globalists, somehow, and the plan will evolve as swords meet) having failed or been abandoned.


Mostly have a good heart, just don't know their own limitations.


I'm not any more worried than I would be going to open war with a good leader. Mostly peaceful, onward. We are here for a purpose, and that is to glorify God and bring others to Him. Earthly matters? Well, you do what you believe is right and proper.


And don't mistake that for "okay with it." Satan is firmly in charge of most of our institutions. I see it, many people see it, and many people will not submit.

Anonymous ID: 793766 Nov. 6, 2020, 4:07 a.m. No.11496904   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


The MOST that is being contemplated against Goog, FB, Twatter are civil action. Fines. Civil lawsuits with money damages. Maybe breakup. But no way a crime under the law.


First amendment is the right to lie. The fundamenal problem there is gullible public. Same with buying the bullshit your government feeds you. They lie through there teeth. It's all crooked. More crooked than your worst imagination. And yet people grant trust and power.


Go figure.

Anonymous ID: 793766 Nov. 6, 2020, 4:15 a.m. No.11496993   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7043


Don;t try to calm anybody with something other than your own sense of peace, which hopefully comes from the right place.

The tension is very high, and we don't know where or how the chain will break.

The general "sit back and let it play out" might suit some but not others. Caravans before election are peanuts compared with caravans after sort of thing. Many people have a psychological need to act, others are paralyzed by fear. Humans are funny like that.


Just play your part honestly and organically. Be not afraid, God has this, and nobody gets out alive.

Anonymous ID: 793766 Nov. 6, 2020, 4:27 a.m. No.11497111   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


God bless your Friday and every day too. It's tough to handle the stressed ones. I'm around a mixed bag of aware, independent; pissed to the point of mind lost; and Biden supporter - all in one family. It's a real hoot!


But salvation is literally personal. We can't give it to anybody else. It's one of those inalienable things. CS Lewis "Living in the atomic age" is wisdom appropriate for this day. Go about your business. You know what is right for you.


That's the comfort for all - God has this. If you need to go out and caravan, then by golly do that but be safe, be aware. If you just want to vent, well, to the limit of patience of your audience, go! I've cut off my Biden supporting family. Hurts, but nothing I can do about that.