What if there are no sealed indictments?
Yeah, really, but think logically (not hopium filled anti-logically). If you had to put up with everything POTUS did daily and you had some super knowledge with sealed indictments to back you up, why would you wait?
I'm not jumping ship. I am simply feeling a bit more free to admit that Qteam made a serious error in judgement. And to do what we all should have done a long time ago. That being to think straight and not go for all the what ifs that have blinded many of us. Q is not perfect nor were their plans. He/we fought the good fight but came up short.
>the US has been under Martial Law for awhile.
No we are not now nor have we been. More neckbreaking "what-ifs".>the US has been under Martial Law for awhile.
Soooo, you are blaming each and every anon for Trump/Q's failures?
>How many of you did anything other than type?
Should we have all picked up our AR's and took to the streets to act like BLM/ANTIFA. That was anti-Q, no?
>Should we have all picked up our AR's and took to the streets to act like BLM/ANTIFA. That was anti-Q, no?
>That was your mistake. You were lulled to sleep for years. Look at the results.
I shouldn't even respond to this as your response pretty much speaks for itself.
With truckloads of shredded docs. Shredded does not equal destroyed. Bet we have them all.
>You know darn well nobody here is allowed to question "the Plan" or "Q"
Lots more of that this am than I have ever seen (including myself) as anons awaken to the cold hard reality.
Day late and a dollar shortโฆโฆ
"The hopium is strong with this one."
Assuming you have read my other posts (this bred and last) you wouldn't know a shill if it bit your ballsack.
>I was wondering if a ballet stuffer would reply
ballet stufferโฆ..sorry anon, couldnt help myself.