recounting fake ballots is useless retard
>It's the answer for people who don't like having answers. "God wins."
cliques and slogans are easy for mindless tards to repeat
no thoughts required, just vomit out some words and pretend like it's your thoughts
wrong answer retard
traitors are focused on muh recount thinking it will give validity to fake ballots if they are counted again
Mail in voting system makes it virtually impossible to confirm who filled out ballot, fake or real, all by design
>seasoned DHS agent
no way to tell who did what when all you have is a naked ballot with idea who mailed it, all by design
virtually no way to tell if mail in ballot is fake or real tard
still have vivid memories of watching Ferguson Missouri burn while a few hundred National Guard cucks hid nearby holding their dicks
Too little too late Barr is doing damage control on his credibility
Watching fake ballots being counted is 100% useless, except to give credibility to fake ballots
fake ballot stuffers know that they are impossible to identify, therefore zero fucks given
Ballots are printed by individual States, not a centralized fed process
A watermark is something put into the paper during manufacturing, not part of printing process