Anonymous ID: 14b4a9 Nov. 6, 2020, 7:17 a.m. No.11499440   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thinking about SharpieGate, PencilGate Ballots, assuming these ballots were place into an optical scanner once the voter finished filling out their ballot, The machine records the voter was at the polls, however wouldn't the scanner also show that the voter abstained from voting? The scanners read black ink anything else would not be readable. How many of those ballots are out there that didn't actually get a vote cast at all in this manner? Would this have been another option for pushing votes to Biden? Thinking voters should be looking to their states to check if their votes were cast as they intended. If not those voters should report to the appropriate authorities.

Anonymous ID: 14b4a9 Nov. 6, 2020, 7:31 a.m. No.11499729   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UPDATE — USPS Inspector General has contacted Project Veritas


“They’re aware of this, it falls under their jurisdiction, they’re assessing whether to investigate.” A Postal Service employee from Michigan has reportedly turned whistleblower, telling Project Veritas that his supervisor instructed mail carriers to collect and segregate new ballot envelopes received after the election cutoff — so that they could be fraudulently back-dated with a Nov. 3 postmark. Whistleblower: “We were told to collect any ballots that we find in mailboxes, collection boxes, et cetera, for outgoing mail, at the end of the day, we are supposed to separate them from the standard letter mail, so they can hand-stamp them with yesterday’s date—and put them through the Express Mail system—to get wherever they need to go,” said the whistleblower, adding “For clarification, today is the fourth of November.” James O’Keefe: “Hand-stamp them with Nov. 3’s date?” Whistleblower: “Yes”