>>11499415 pb
we've got plenty of whites who, I guess, genetically, could be voting for Trump already.
What we're watching is cheating by Democrats. In 30 years new white babies from Northern Europe won't allow the Democrats to cheat? They'll be smarter than we are? They'll figure out how to stop the cheating and they'll figure out how to get that information along to whoever the President is at that time?
The Presidents rope a dope strategy, where he does nothing, and then more of nothing, getting fucked in the ass when facebook and twitter are fucking us in the ass, and then, more nothing, at this point, doesn't seem to be working.
Who knows how it goes? It certainly looks like there are things taking place that the punishing criminals part of the government could do something about. The rope a dope strategy, when originally used by Ali, wasn't just "get beaten up", there was also a "opponent is tired" part and a "fighting back with tremendous amounts of energy" part.