Would explain a great deal about Al and Tipper Gore's divorce
Going to post a few sauces I found around 5 AM EDT today.
Details on raid of Nancy Salzman's home in Saratoga Co., NY, which took place on Tuesday March 27, the day after Keith Raniere of NXIVM was arrested in Puerto Vallarta on Monday March 26, then immediately extradited him to Texas the same day (quoting the US Attorney's office in Brooklyn NY). Nancy Salzman, and this is key to remember, was on the board of the Clinton Global Initiative. This page includes a link to a PDF of a list of the original members of CGI as proof she was part of it.
Photo is of Allison Mack, taken at the same Raniere was arrested.
Article also mentions allegations that Seagram's heiress Clare Bronfman, "financed the entire operation".
Supporting a theory of blackmail are the final two paragraphs:
"Raniere’s influence extended to Hollywood where he roped in Smallville star Allison Mack who allegedly recruited 25 women into joining the cult, which also reportedly included Battlestar Galactica actress Nicki Clyne.
Sci-fi star Clyne is believed to be one of those who handed over damaging material as “collateral” in a bid to prove her loyalty to DOS — which stands for “dominus obsequious sororium” — Latin for “master over the slave women”.
https:// bravehosttalkradionews.wordpress.com/2018/03/28/update-on-the-home-of-clinton-global-initiative-member-in-sex-trafficking-ring/
That is NOT the body of a 70 year old woman, and I say that as a woman. I would have guessed 25-40 if I didn't already know who this is.
No wonder the freaks will do anything for adrenochrome, literally selling their souls to the Devil. It's a fountain of youth.
As far as I've seen posted elsewhere, the tattoo symbol is a combination of Keith Raniere's initials. He was monogramming them.
The first page of the actual DNC lawsuit.
This just SCREAMS "crazy ex girlfriend". Cannot possibly be taken seriously.