Funny you say that, just came across this
Peter Novak-
Prediction: The exposure of the massive, widespread, and already glaringly obvious election fraud operation conducted in this election will completely end the Democrat Party.
Just as I predicted years ago would occur to the Democrat Party in 2020.
The line-up of three outer planets this year in Capricorn, the sign of the Republican Party, put tremendous pressure on their opposition party to counter the Republicans’ strength, and they went completely overboard in their reaction to the Capricorn Stellium. If the Dems had been more moderate, they might have been able to keep their election fraud operation a secret, but those three planets in Capricorn pushed them to overplay their hand, and they got caught.
The coming exposure of this massive Democrat fraud operation will also spell the end of many careers and organizations in the Mass Media.
The exposure of the massive Democrat fraud operation in this election also threatens to expose previous Democrat fraud operations in the presidential elections of 2008 and 2012, undermining the legitimacy of the entire Obama administration.