It's all down hill from here.
Fox call it for Biden yet?
POTUS will move swiftly and with force when the time is right.
We haven't heard the last of him no matter what Fox says soon.
>t. I've read some of his books.
kek Art of the Feel did not read that one
Put IWO in the foreground and there's a new Anon OP Meme Flag waiting to happen.
El Rushbo just played Jake Tapper saying Fox needs to do the country a solid by calling it for Biden in NV.
kek boomer joke but a good one
/AnonsKnow/ +1 vote here
Q's Plan was great and still is but POTUS better not screw up tired of Q always getting shit on while POTUS gets a free pass reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>It's going to seem darker before it gets brighter.
Like Juan Williams on The Five reading This Just In Biden Wins NV breaking news as Jesse sobs dark?
> President-Elect Biden
We need to face the fact that there will be a period of time where we get our posts mined for SALT.
President-Elect Biden will bakerer.
President-Elect Biden approves of this flag.
May it long fly over QR like the jackboot it was made to be.