Remember during the debate when creepy joe kept looking up into nowhere as if he was in deep thought which we all know isn’t possible. He was trying to read the script from the HUD contact lens put where…his left eye…..remember the sudden need for sunglasses recently. Clone joe is maintained and programmed through the ocular cavity of the left eye. See how many other comped celebs pics u can find online with left eye hematoma….symbolism their downfall….No clone for President
Vincent Fusca? >>11504702
Mr pwesident to you. patriots let it happen. Think Mirror? >>11504717
No refunds your money went to China >>11504917
Face of God himself. Can do anything he likes with impunity in this domain >>11504939
Election season, the season of treason
Not if Twitter already locked him out. They will never let POTUS send the “My fellow Americans” tweet they’re ready for everything unlike us. >>11505089