Anonymous ID: 6383a3 Nov. 6, 2020, 12:22 p.m. No.11505171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5228 >>5231 >>5253 >>5328 >>5356 >>5430 >>5453 >>5461 >>5492 >>5565 >>5590 >>5720 >>5797 >>5844 >>5860

Michigan GOP: Software That Stole 6,000 Votes From Trump in One County Used in 47 Counties


Michigan Republican Chairman Laura Cox spoke to reporters Friday about a software glitch in Antrim County that took about 6,000 votes from President Trump and GOP Senate candidate John James causing the normally red county to show a majority vote for former Vice President Biden and Democrat Sen. Gary Peters. Cox said the same vote tabulating software is used in 47 counties in Michigan and called on those counties to examine their vote counts.


Background via the Detroit Free Press (excerpt):


Antrim County has posted updated and revised numbers for the presidential and U.S. senate races after discovering major errors in the numbers the county initially sent to the Secretary of State’s Office.


The revised numbers — arrived at after manually entering the results from printed tabulated tapes for all 16 precincts — show the northern Michigan county is still red, just not as dark a shade as it was in 2016.


The county is reporting Republican President Donald Trump beat Democrat Joe Biden by about 2,500 votes, with Trump receiving 56% of the just over 17,000 votes cast for president and Biden receiving 42%.


Political observers had expressed shock early Wednesday when the county transferred numbers to the state showing Biden beating Trump by about 3,000 votes. Antrim is a Republican stronghold where local GOP officials have mostly run unopposed in recent elections…


…The updated Antrim numbers, which are still unofficial, show Republican U.S. Senate candidate John James beating Democrat Gary Peters by just over 2,500 votes.


Laura Cox: “If all this wasn’t enough, in Antrim County ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a six thousand vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the votes. Since then we have now discovered that forty-seven counties use this same software in the same capacity. Antrim County had to hand count all of the ballots. And these counties that use this software need to closely examine their results for similar discrepancies. The people of Michigan deserve a transparent and open process.”


The count in Michigan as of Friday afternoon has Biden with about a 145,000 vote lead over Trump. The AP has called the race for Biden.

Anonymous ID: 6383a3 Nov. 6, 2020, 12:26 p.m. No.11505229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5356 >>5492 >>5590 >>5720 >>5797 >>5844

The New York Times Didn’t Learn Its Lesson


The 'paper of record' commits the same mistakes it apologized for four years ago


We know now that the New York Times‘s letter to its readers in the wake of President Donald Trump's surprise 2016 victory was a non-apology apology.


Blindsided by Trump's surprise victory, the Times pledged to examine whether it had underestimated the depth and breadth of his support, and to rededicate itself to understanding and reflecting "all political perspectives and life experiences."


As the kids say, LOL. The paper's coverage of the 2020 presidential election was not only as misleading as it was four years ago, it was misleading in the same way, overstating the odds of Democrats everywhere thanks, at least in part, to a belief in race and gender as the defining features of American politics. Identity politics has come to define the New York Times, but the country isn't so monolithic.


Four years ago, the paper wrote not one but two pieces arguing Hillary Clinton and the Democrats were making major inroads in Texas thanks to the state's growing minority population. Clinton, reporters Matt Flegenheimer and Jonathan Martin wrote, was leading "a new offensive aimed at extending her growing advantage over Donald J. Trump while bolstering down-ballot candidates in what party leaders increasingly suggest could be a sweeping victory for Democrats at every level." Trump went on to trounce Clinton by nine points.


Fast forward to last month, when Martin promised that this time, Texas was "a true presidential battleground, and either candidate could prevail." The result: Trump by six.


The fake news wasn't limited to one state. The Times covered Susan Collins's impending demise: Susan Collins Hasn't Changed Much, but Maine Has. Collins won by nine. They claimed Republicans were botching the Senate race in deep red South Carolina, where Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison was alleged to have a real shot at unseating Republican senator Lindsey Graham thanks to the state's growing diversity—"surprisingly competitive," a "remarkable feat." That kind of credulous reporting helped Harrison raise nearly $100 million for his campaign. The result: Graham won by 14 points, just 3 points weaker than the pummeling he gave his last challenger in 2014.

Anonymous ID: 6383a3 Nov. 6, 2020, 12:29 p.m. No.11505293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5356 >>5492 >>5590 >>5720 >>5797 >>5844

Mainstream Media CAUGHT Using Portland Riot Pic To Frame Election Integrity Protests As Violent


In what appears to be a coordinated disinformation campaign (to quote the New York Times in their articles about Project Veritas), several news outlets associated with the Nexstar Broadcasting conglomerate are using a picture of a Portland rioter being arrested by police to falsely frame the elections integrity protests as being violent and out of control. The picture is from an entirely separate event and has absolutely nothing to do with the pro-Trump protests. The unsubstantiated and baseless story echoed by these outlets is full of conjecture and fear mongering, claiming that Trump supporters are ready to snap and commit widespread violence.



Anonymous ID: 6383a3 Nov. 6, 2020, 12:29 p.m. No.11505298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5356 >>5492 >>5590 >>5720 >>5797 >>5844

Serbia Calls for Ensuring Safety of Witnesses in Ex-Kosovo President's Case, Dacic Says


Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic on Friday urged the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor's Office to guarantee the safety of witnesses in the war crime case against the ex-president of the self-proclaimed republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, and his associates.


Thaci resigned on Thursday after a war crime indictment against him was confirmed. A key figure in the ethnic-Albanian separatist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), Thaci was later arrested and transported to the Hague, along with ex-Kosovo parliament speakers Kadri Veseli and Jakup Krasniqi, as well as former field commander and lawmaker Rexhep Selimi on charges of murder, torture, forced disappearance and other crimes committed during the late 1990s.


"It is important to ensure the protection of witnesses, so that it does not happen, as in the case with [former Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush] Haradinaj, when all the witnesses simply disappeared, so in the end, he was released by a Hague court decision due to the lack of witnesses," Dacic told reporters in parliament.


According to the politician, crimes against Serbs have still not yet been investigated in Kosovo.


"Just as we agree with the investigation and condemnation of war crimes in general, including in relation to the Albanians, we believe that this is the implementation of justice for the victims of the KLA," the former Serbian foreign minister added.


The KLA was an ethnic-Albanian separatist militia that fought to achieve Kosovo's independence from then-Yugoslavia during the 1998-1999 war.


In February 2008, Kosovo unilaterally proclaimed independence from Serbia. Serbia and numerous members of the international community, including China, Russia, and Spain, have not yet recognized Kosovo’s independence.