When you think about it, letting the Ds run a fraudulent election and exposing it was the only way to not only bring their temple down in one fell swoop, but also charge them all with treason for committing voter fraud
Fruadulent electons, year after year after year was the way they got in power and remained in power.
Trump started with building the wall. but that was just a part of their crooked elections….that was the part where they would turn their fraud into ''legitmate elections' from here on into the future.
Once illegals could vote, they would have no more reason to commit fraud each year and rig electionsl
It had to be this way. This was the only way.
One arrest at at time would do nothing to them.
two, three, four five arrests, whatever the number would do nothing to them.
they would quickly find another replacement for that part of their structured.
No….this nation wide election is the only way to catch them all together with, in coordination with foreign powers, to overthrow a sitting president…..treason
Everything led to this 2020 election.