Anonymous ID: b8dba5 Nov. 6, 2020, 2:38 p.m. No.11507622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7684 >>7769 >>8007 >>8030 >>8157

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Data Expert Describes How Democrats Can Fabricate Votes


Also Describes Critical Security Flaws That Have Not Been Addressed


Russell Ramsland, a partner in Allied Security Operations says his company’s investigations of our electronic election systems show that votes can be changed on a large scale. Votes can also be changed at the voting location, at the tabulation software level and in the actual database. Someone could even change the voting software itself. Ramsland states that his firm initially started looking at election data logs from the Dallas elections in 2018 when there was an unexpected “blue wave.” The more Ramsland’s cyber team looked at the logs, the more discrepancies they found in security practices, flaws, and vulnerabilities.


Ramsland, importantly, provides his assessment of anomalies he and his team see with the 2020 election results. Ramsland notes the points at which the data injection in the Michigan and Pennsylvania election counts appear anomalous. The video below is queued to the end of the interview where Ramsland presents his insights into whether we are looking at voter or election fraud but clearly believes there are major problems with the integrity of the 2020 election. Ramsland says he has attempted to go to the FBI to detail his firm’s findings regarding major security flaws and vulnerabilities of the election system. He has made some inroads into DHS field level officials, but their findings were not able to be moved up the chain of command. Ramsland also attempted to get a meeting with the Cyber Intelligence Security Agency within DHS, but his team was only granted a phone call. Ramsland says he doesn’t know whether the FBI doesn’t want to take what might be a political “hot potato” or whether they simply do not have the technical expertise to deal with these issues. The entire video is worth listening to and Ramsland does a very good job of attempting to explain to a non-expert, but there is a lot of detail provided in the interview. Here are some of the highlights from his interview with CDMedia’s L.Todd Wood.


1- The election data for 28 U.S. states is stored on databases not on U.S. soil, but in servers in Europe.

2- Their cyber team found 1,027 times a “warning” that votes exceeded ballots in the Dallas race. Each time is not one singular vote, but rather a “tranche” of data.

3- Hard database resets that can eliminate any tools on the system which e.g. could send data elsewhere, could allow data to be uploaded, etc.

4- They found instances in Dallas where data appeared to be being uploading from outside the “election system.”

5- They learned there was already evidence collected by reputable data security firms outlining all of these vulnerabilities – this was already out there. Those vulnerabilities he says, are still out there on these election systems; they have not been closed or fixed.

6- They found that “audit logs” showed a number of discrepancies which could indicate that data from outside the election system.

7- They state that an election official can alter votes on the system.

8- A high-level view of the election system shows there are no security standards – admin passwords can be found on the open in their systems.

9- Ramsland outlines how he and his cyber team believe the 2018 Kentucky gubernatorial race voting results were possibly altered and describe that in more detail.

10- Their cyber team could get into election systems on-location with just a cellphone. More aggressive reviews or intrusions of these systems show that these systems are connected to the internet (there is no “air gap”), multiple locations (in different states) share the same SSL certificate which Ramsland describes as akin to an entire neighborhood sharing the same front door key.


Who exactly has the keys to the U.S. election systems? Ramsland states clearly that they found there is a security flaw that allows someone to obtain all the passwords for all of these election systems and go back in and easily change voter data. Since many of these findings have been described since at least 2018 – why have they not been addressed.

Anonymous ID: b8dba5 Nov. 6, 2020, 2:41 p.m. No.11507684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7727 >>7769 >>7796 >>8007 >>8030 >>8157



Data Expert Describes How Democrats Can Fabricate Votes''




Question.. If this can be this easily exploited..even if exploit lines were removed after the fact, could this still be found in a memory hole on the hard drives? Why is out data stored in other countries what do they have to do with this?


Other sources to check per these posts ALL pb




Baker critical post..

>>11507262 Data Expert Describes How Democrats Can Fabricate Votes










>>>11507460 (You)


>SCYTL? They still use that?



Anonymous ID: b8dba5 Nov. 6, 2020, 2:58 p.m. No.11508030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8157

>>11507622 >>11507684


NGP VAN is the leading technology provider to Democratic and progressive campaigns and organizations, as well as nonprofits, municipalities, and other groups, offering clients an integrated platform of the best fundraising, compliance, field, organizing, digital, and social networking products.


This company has a connection to the data software used in Polling.