Anonymous ID: caadb0 Nov. 6, 2020, 3:18 p.m. No.11508367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8989

Did They Hear The Sound of Marching in the Treetops?


In Second Samuel 5:22-24 we are told how God protected His chosen leader, David.


22 Once more the Philistines came up and spread out in the Valley of Rephaim; 23 so David inquired of the LORD, and he answered, “Do not go straight up, but circle around behind them and attack them in front of the balsam trees. 24 As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, move quickly, because that will mean the LORD has gone out in front of you to strike the Philistine army.”


The LORD did something similar in the 1973 Yom Kippur War. More than five hundred Syrian tanks were just over the ridge in the Golan Heights readied to swoop down on a small group of about a hundred Israeli tanks. So the Israeli tanks charged over the top and found the five hundred tanks abandoned.


Later the Syrian tank crews said they heard this unbelievably loud roaring as if thousands of fighter aircraft were bearing down on them so they ran for their lives.


Did you notice that there are no riots (yet)? All is quiet. They promised us bedlam that was to start at four o’clock Tuesday no matter who won. Wonder why? Did they hear the sound of marching in the treetops? When I went to bed at 2:00 AM Wednesday morning it was clear that Trump had won all the swing states except two – Minnesota and Arizona.


I think Trump had them scared that if they started an insurrection, he would crush them with the military and send them before a military tribunal for treason against the United States of America. Everyone in military service and those holding Federal office are supposed to swear an oath of allegiance to America, the flag, and the Constitution and defend then against all enemies – both foreign and domestic. If someone tries to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States of America they are enemies and their actions are covered in the legal code – some carry the death penalty.


So this delay is in God’s hands just as when Pharaoh was scared and wanted to let the Israelites go – “oh no you don’t” and God hardened Pharaoh’s heart until God’s timetable was ready.


We’ve all fought hard in this election, and we’ve all prayed hard. If Trump won easily, we might have gotten the idea that we did it by our own wit and strength. No, this battle is the LORD’s. And even though we don’t stop fighting, God is the one who will gain the victory. All Trump needs to do is circle around them and listen for the marching in the treetops.


My daughter has been supplying me with a lot of encouraging videos. One text message from David Burney says: The Department of Homeland Security controlled “official ballots” production. The Dems printed counterfeits not knowing about non-radioactive isotope watermarks on “official ballots.” It was a military sting operation. After weeding out all the counterfeit ballots, Trump will win in a landslide of Electoral College votes.


Check out these videos and be of good cheer. Dana Coverstone’s last dream may not be fulfilled until December the seventeenth.


All this timing is in the LORD’s hand. The quarter million or so sealed indictments can’t begin until the insurrection begins. And We Know – Justice is coming


In the next video, Lisa has two charts showing how Trump and Biden are tracking the same all night long with Trump ahead by a pretty good margin – until . . . at four o’clock in the morning they “found” 138,000 ballots. And surprise, surprise – they were all for Joe Biden. Trump got no votes, but neither did any other candidate for other offices – no senate or congress votes either.


Now if Trump and Biden were both getting about 50 percent each of the votes, that would be like tossing a coin – heads for Trump, tails for Biden. Now the odds against flipping a coin and getting a heads 20 times in a row is 1,048,576 to one. The odds against flipping a heads 336 times in a row is a google to one. A google is 10 raised to the one hundredths power. A google is a number that is larger than the number of all particles in the universe. So Joe Biden flipped a tails 138,000 times in a row. If you believe that, you gotta be a Democrat. Lisa Haven – Election Coup: Something Suspicious Whistleblower Whistleblower follow up X22 – Coup d’etat - Trump Sets Trap to Expose it Riss Flex Black Conservative Christian

Trump Combat Plan To Win & Expose Dems.