Q, When you interrogate Ray "Child" Handler, Margaret Nixon, Maggie Huberberg, Emenem, Chizlane Maxwell, Allison Mack and all of the other MK-Ultra-trained child handlers you need to make sure you know which altar you are speaking to. Most all of these kids were split into 10s or 100s of different altar/personalities (green-tree, or greenbaum programming). You need the keys and code words to bring up each alter so they can be interrogated, and information gathered. You say you have it all. Do you have all of their codes/keys/triggers? Each altar had specific programming and imprinting and was used in different ways. Each altar/personality saw different things. You cannot get anything from "Wendy" about rituals when "Lilith" was the programmed ritual altar. Along with the names/keys/codes/triggers, you need to know if each altar was under alpha, beta, delta, gamma, theta, zeta, etc. programming. Sounds like "Wendy" was the beta-programming altar. You talk about having the "KEY" that unlocks the door. I'm hoping you have all of the KEYs to thousands/hundreds of thousands of MK-ULTRA program multiples. You would then certainly be able to unlock the door to what is most important - information/knowledge/testimony/first-hand experience/truth! These programmed altars, for some reason, have photography/audiographic memory. MOAB indeed….if you have the KEY….that unlocks the door….