PLOT TWIST: Biden loses, claims fraud, demands investigation, gets it and TOTAL DEM SCAM unravels
Wouldn’t that be so great??
If he protests, he loses.
If he doesnt protest, he loses.
Win win win win.
And we get to say “WE TOLD YOU SO”
PLOT TWIST: Biden loses, claims fraud, demands investigation, gets it and TOTAL DEM SCAM unravels
Wouldn’t that be so great??
If he protests, he loses.
If he doesnt protest, he loses.
Win win win win.
And we get to say “WE TOLD YOU SO”
We shoot one.
wondering if all recent covid deaths have voted for Biden?
200k names and fake ballots to fill pit get you somewhere?
Werent they supposed to register those names?
Contact tracing?
Wonder if anons can dig and check?
Q said wuflu was about the election.
Perhaps in moar ways than one…?
When they’re caged..
French.. learn it.