Anonymous ID: 534e6a Nov. 6, 2020, 4:47 p.m. No.11510019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0105 >>0118

Contact (1997)


This movie has ruined so many people.

The whole purpose of the movie is to elevate Science over the belief in God. It also implants the component of suicide as a possible decision in the options of one's agency in the face of despair/isolation/unknown.


She's not selected as a candidate at first because she doesn't believe in God. The movie ends with her unable to explain an event (like a believer in God) to people (the whole world except for her converted-from-God boyfriend lured away by sad lonely girl) that demand evidence as she did as an Atheist. She acknowledges their plight like a believer would, yet she's unchanged by her experience which we're suggested is more significant than a relationship with God.


It partially accomplishes this with narcissism, as the Alien society uses her memories rooted in sadness in her upbringing to communicate with her in an emotionally cathartic way, which is all she's left with despite several sequences in the film suggesting she's otherwise capable of being rational.


People are moved by her regardless despite the conclusion of disbelief on the part of the government reps, and they're depicted as unified compared to the discordant range of "cults" depicted throughout the earlier portions of the film. Science is depicted as the great unifier despite the best efforts of the Religious Right which is often only pretending their beliefs for public perception.


Interesting to note that the unified people are all represented by Blue and White, Israeli flag colors.