I'm just going over numbers looking at trends. It seems like every couple of terms we gain 5 million more voters.
If you follow the trend, you can see what exceptional voter turnout looks like with Obama and Raegan, but that goes without mentioning that Obama's 2008 victory looks totally unnatural. He should have won with around 4-5 million less votes than he had, based on voter counts in the surround years, especially considering the numbers calm back down for his re-election, and settle into the trend again for 2016.
MY MAIN POINT HERE is that 2020, if you follow the trend in these numbers, we should have had about 108-110 million voters TOTAL, but somehow we have over 140 million TOTAL this year. It's absolutely UNNATURAL to our election growth trends.
TYPICALLY when the the winner of an election wins in a large lead, the opposition reduces in percentage of total voters to reflect the lead. Biden's lead does NOT do this AT ALL.