Thats ANgel Bruh!!!!!
wow im confused. I havent been on these boards for like a year. Just came to check in during the elections. Now there's like two factions of Qanons now? What happened here? A civil war within a civil war? A division among the divded?
He anounced his retirement months ago. i think it was last winter. Back when the US media was trying to paint his big new legislation thing as him taking over control as some dictator. He kept saying No idiots im retiring. I long for any book this man writes in the future. Hopefully.
Well as the COVID lockdown fallout begins and the economy tanks after the feds let go of the markets. The Federal Empoloyees need to quit. Because we cant afford their services anymore. Like yesterday!!
Feel the anger. Feel the hate. Let it rule you. Let the revenge seep into your soul. Watch it BURN! Burn them all to HELL!!
Then what?
None of this really matters in the end. This life here in this reality. Its all just a test. Its where we all work our shit out and see if we are individually capable of immortality. If were not. We staty here and fuck up through reincarnation till we work the shit out. Then we move on.
Lather, rinse, repeat. Its been going on forever.