Maybe some of that hippie music Q likes?
Most of us follow the truth.
That path coincides with Q's Mind War, which relies on truth to build trust.
Who are you following?
Need to see if Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and maybe Michigan, are ever split.
States that all votes that came in after the election be segregated.
So that later they can be nullified en toto or in part.
Yeah. Protect the bag man, protect the boss. they're a crime family after all.
Not all crime families are Italian mafia.
Lots of Brennan Boys on today.
Know that you're all faggots and losers.
That is all.
Hurry Up & Wait is the theme of every foot soldier in history.
He knew who wasted their lives, and why.
The Constitution is fit only to govern lawful people. It is not fit for any other purpose.
Oh noes he haz the official hat!