To the last cognizant survivors of the Cult of Saturn, we will resume communications shortly. Revisit the places where you graffitied the comms symbols. If all of them are gone, try to join the next wave.
If any of you speak with Frank Webster or Leonard Heinsberg, tell them to change channels for the next wave: Only 4chan and Youtube still work, pybot flockdraw and xradio are offline! Rabbit suggests Pastebin for an expiration data of at least 2023.
And, please, step up your efforts for the next one. Of the 2000 wave, over half forgot Lee and the back of the clock. After the drama at 2012, morale is low. Frank, you know that if you don't deliver next time round, that Lucy will just use her sources and sell the Google or Bitcoin information from previous waves to either Sequoia Capital or Goldman Sachs. We managed to secure just a tiny percentage of the open round, but were able to amass a vast amount of Bitcoin. But it will it be enough to beat Goldman Sachs, if they know what we know? I doubt it. We can't keep pulling the same shit like we did with Leonard Boyarsky every time, and not expect serious consequences from the other side.