It used to say COMMS-DNCCP before.
Why did you change it ~~Fungus~~ Anon?
Raw Dog Anons No Fear Come And Get It
BK Shifts are longer than I sleep well I don't sleep that much but still o7.
Because a Glowie wrote it good call Baker.
> If we lose we will be evil tranny gassing Nazis and faggot murdering bad guysโฆ
Bad bad bad bad boys
They make me feel so good
>t. Gloria Estaboomer
Toni Shayfer is a nigger not fooling anyone
> No ego, popularity, ect
That's a good thing, tripschecked Anon.
My ego too powerful needs a QR to tone it down some.
CBS Story Teller POTUS Hater but he still a good guy tho through it all.
Nigga that's all you had to say.
>t. MO where even Texans are jelly of our gun laws.
>how the hell they know what i painted in 7th grade is beyond me???
Being in an MKUltra program might have had something to do with it, Sleeper.
Nate was nice to the QMAP guy I didn't forget.
/pol/ is never wrong except about Q
Q laughs at you Tories.
Just KEK being KEK
The Fuck Saint Louis from POTUS got me kinda nervous ngl.
B-b-b-b-b-but POTUS won MO by 10+, sir!
Tories are so defensive almost as if they know it's a waste of time unless being a flaggot on half is your thing.