Anonymous ID: ecbcd6 Nov. 7, 2020, 7:17 a.m. No.11520575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0996

>>11520424 lb

I am not sure where exactly I read this (Enoch, Thoth or somewhere else)

"If you study the four seasons you will understand the Archangels"

Don´t know what it means, but it has to do with some special holidays (for more I am just too stupid, yet!)

Anonymous ID: ecbcd6 Nov. 7, 2020, 7:28 a.m. No.11520722   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They have no arrows in the quiver, they have trucks with fake ballots in a so massive desperate way, that no maam can believe that shit any longer!